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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/459

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

woven in hand-looms.

chíu pò;
a handkerchief.
êk pò;
a wash-cloth.
mīn pò;
a towel.
bûeh pò;
a foot-wrap, worn inside the stocking.
thâu pò;
a turban.
ûi ie pò;
an apron or loin cloth.
tah pò-phâng-kè lâi nê pò-phâng;
set up the tent poles, and spread the tent.
pò hŏ-sùaⁿ;
a cloth umbrella.
a dish cloth.
a wallet, a cloth bag.
pò tah-lîen;
a cloth pouch, like a bag with a slit in its side.
jṳ̂ chn̂g pò;
duster for furniture.
pò pau;
a cloth bundle.
pò lîam;
a cloth screen or curtain.
cang ngŏ sek pò lâi phah cò̤ bé-kang-lî, chái ngia;
make a lattice work of variegated cloth, for ornamentation.
a thick leaved sea-weed, dried and cut into long strips, and used as food.
cía pò khah hi;
this cloth is too sleazy.
kău pò, pô̤h pò;
thick or thin cloth.
cho pò, ìuⁿ pò;
coarse or fine fabrics.
pò tîeh sẃn ìuⁿ-câk kâi;
must select a firm piece of cloth.
ní pò;
to dye cloth.
tâh pò;
to press cloth.
pak pò;
to whiten cloth.
keⁿ pò;
to weave cloth.
só̤ chēng sĭ cho kûn, pò saⁿ, sĭm sĭ phok-sît;
wore a coarse petticoat and cotton tunic, and had a very rustic appearance.
pò bé;
an artificial horse.
khîa pò bé phah pò sîaⁿ;
rode an artificial horse to attack an artificial city.
  • 6711648
  • Liquor not yet strained; food that is prepared by fermentation.
bí sah lío lô̤h cíu píaⁿ cū hó̤ put i hwt pô;
when the rice has been boiled, and the malt put in, then set it away to ferment.
hip pô;
keep the mash in a dark warm place to ferment.
kek pô;
make a ferment.
tāu-cìeⁿ pô;
fermented bean catsup.
  • 7141638
  • A tribunal; a board; a public court; an officer in a board; a class or division in a serial arrangement.
lâk pŏ;
the Six Boards in the government.
lī pŏ;
Board of Civil Office.
hŏ pŏ;
Board of Revenue.
lí pŏ;
Board of Rites.
piaⁿ pŏ;
Board of War.
hîaⁿ pŏ;
Board of Punishments.
kang pŏ;
Board of Works.
cong-tok pŏ-tn̂g;
Governor General.
sûn-bú pŏ-īⁿ;
governor of a province.
kau pŏ ngí chú;
given over to the Board for Judgment.
bâk pŏ;
the vegetable kingdom.
  • 9973018
  • To chew; to masticate; to bite.
pō kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
masticate it thoroughly.
m̄ hó̤ pō tîeh cîh;
do not bite your tongue.
pō tîeh, khauh-khauh-kìe;
chewing with a craunching noise.
mín pō, ka-n̂ng thun;
you need not chew it, swallow it whole.
khah jūn, pō m̄ lô̤h;
it is tough, and I cannot masticate it.
  • 123855
  • A way; a means; recourse; a remedy.
bô̤ pō;
it can’t be helped.
cía tîeh i cìaⁿ ŭ pō, pât nâng li bô̤ pō;
he is the only one who can set this right, any one else will be of no avail.
hía, úa cū bô̤ pō lío;
well, there is nothing more that I can do then.
lṳ́ sĭeⁿ ŭ pō a bô̤?
Do you think that anything can be done about it?
hàm i cò̤-nî ŭ pō lí;
ask him how it can be set to rights.
i ŭ pō cò̤ kàu hìeⁿ ngía, mîaⁿ-ke căi;
he has a way of making it very pretty, he is very expert at it.
  • 713773
  • A step; a pace.
sĭ pō kîaⁿ lâi, a sĭ cŏ̤ kīe lâi?
Did you come on foot, or in a chair?
hûah tōa pō cē;
take longer steps.
lṳ́ kâi kha pō khin, i kâi kha pō tăng;
your footsteps are light, his are heavy.
lṳ́ kâi kha pō màiⁿ kîaⁿ kàu hìeⁿ tăng;
do not step so heavily.
kha pō tâh ún;
set your feet firmly.
kîaⁿ ke lâng pō cū kàu;
a few more steps and we shall be there.
cêk pō cêk pō khin-khin kîaⁿ, màiⁿ pīn-pōng-kìe;
step softly, do not make a noise in walking.
mùaⁿ-khí, khṳ̀ i kò̤ hûe pō;
return his visit to-morrow.
cí pō, iang siaⁿ;
stop walking and call out.
pō piaⁿ; pō kun;
infantry; foot-soldiers.
pō piaⁿ sĭ ŏi pō-cìen kâi;
foot-soldiers fight on foot.
cêk pō cêk pō;
step by step.
khîeh ki pō-keng lâi sīa pō-cìⁿ;
take the bow of a foot soldier and shoot the arrow which belongs therein.
kîaⁿ kàu cí pō châng tī;
arrived at the designated position.
cêk lí lō jîeh cōi pō?
How many paces in a mile?
lâu ŭ ṳ̂ kâi tī pō;
leave some room for grace.
lâu thò̤ pō;
leave room for retreat.
ŭ lâu kùi pō;
may I trouble you to step in (to do something).
pō-pō kau-seng;
gradually rose to eminence.
i hŵn sĭ àiⁿ mō̤ⁿ cìn pō;
he still hopes for advancement.
hâiⁿ cîⁿ, bô̤ thò̤ pō;
pay before you leave the spot.
tit cêk pō cìn cêk pō;
give him an inch and he'll take an ell.
i nŏ̤ nâng būe pat kah kùe kha pō;
the two have not yet learned to step together.
kha pō kîaⁿ kàu côi-côi;
keep step in walking.
ciap pō ciap pō kîaⁿ, thóiⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi pō;
pace it and see how many paces it is.
kha pō ciah;
i kâi súa-pō súa lâi ún-tàng;
he moves about on his feet with great precision.
gêk pō;
your steps.
nôiⁿ pō;
lady’s footsteps.


  • poiⁿ650678
  • Mottled; spotted; streaked.
mīn poiⁿ-poiⁿ;
poiⁿ tíam poiⁿ tíam;
tōa tíam poiⁿ;
spotted in large spots.
poiⁿ tek;