dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- 薄pô̤h70514013
- Thin; attenuated; poor; fortunate; light; few; to slight; to treat coldly; a thin leaf or plate.
- sĭ kău kâi a pô̤h kâi?
- Is it a thick or a thin one?
- siah kàu nĕ pô̤h-pô̤h;
- hew it very thin.
- màiⁿ thiu kah pô̤h;
- do not plane it too thin.
- cí kâi pô̤h hṳ́ kâi;
- this is thinner than that.
- cêk têng mô̤h pô̤h-pô̤h;
- a thin film.
- i tó̤ phah siah pô̤h;
- he is making tin foil.
- ngṳ̂n-pô̤h;
- silver foil.
- tah kim pô̤h kâi;
- covered with gold-leaf.
- sieⁿ thih pô̤h;
- plated with iron.
- sieⁿ ngṳ̂n pô̤h;
- plated with silver.
- sĭang pô̤h;
- the thinnest.
- có̤ ío pô̤h cē;
- make it rather thinner.
- chùi-lîm-phûe pô̤h-síe pô̤h-síe;
- has very thin lips.
- úa thăi i put pô̤h;
- I treated him with no lack of courtesy.
- i pô̤h thăi úa;
- he treated me with scant courtesy.
- pô̤h ceh i cē cū hó̤;
- to give him a slight reprimand is sufficient.
- pô̤h mīaⁿ;
- a hard lot.
- ẁn ka-kī kâi mīaⁿ pô̤h;
- complained of his own fate being so hard.
- i khu kau, ŭ khin poh i a bo?
- Did he receive contemptuous treatment on arriving?
- pô̤h lói;
- less than customary civility.
- mīn phûe pô̤h;
- thin skinned.
- pô̤h phûe căi, khin-khin cū m̄ hàuⁿ;
- he is very touchy, and gets displeased at the least reproof.
- tăⁿ-pô̤h;
- to stint; frugal; to economize.
- cṳ̆ uaⁿ tăⁿ pô̤h;
- content with little.
- pô̤h hok kâi nâng;
- one who has few blessings.
- hok-hūn pô̤h;
- has few comforts.
- khek-pô̤h căi;
- greatly harrassed.
- 踢pu9031578
- To kick forward and upward.
- kâi i pu khui cē;
- kick it and send it farther off.
- 布pù713502
- To arrange; to spead out, to publish, to make known.
- táng i khṳ̀ pù-pái;
- wait till he has made the arrangements for it.
- thóiⁿ i cò̤-nî pù-pái;
- see what arrangements he makes.
- i pái-pù chut lâi lêng-ūaⁿ hó̤ thóiⁿ;
- they look better in the way in which he has arranged them.
- táng úa kio lṳ́ pù-tì;
- wait till I arrange it for you.
- pù-ti̤ lâi tit ngî;
- properly arranged.
- pù-cèng-sài;
- treasurer of a province.
- pù kàu thiⁿ-ĕ;
- made known throughout the Empire.
- 富pù148409
- Rich; wealthy; afflaent.
- pù-kùi;
- rich and honored.
- pù-cok;
- a competence.
- pù-hâu;
- affluent.
- pù ong;
- a man of means.
- pù nâng;
- a rich man.
- pù hŏ;
- a wealthy family.
- nî pù, lâk khîang;
- in the prime of life and strength.
- kó pù;
- long wealthy.
- cho̤ pù put lî khîong ke īeⁿ;
- the newly rich cannot put away the manners of the poor.
- pù-kùi saⁿ tō̤ huang cai ím cîah;
after being rich for three generations, one knows how to take one's food properly.
- pù-nâng kim o̤h táu;
- a rich man's gold is hard to barter for.
- pù-jîo;
- rich; fertile.
- 背pù6691305
- The side opposite the edge; the back.
- to̤ pù;
- the back of a knife.
- hṳ̂ pù;
- the ridge along the back of a fish.
- keng hîⁿ, keng pù;
- the string and the arch of a bow that is strung.
- kîaⁿ keng-pù hn̆g ke hô̤h cōi lō;
- to go by the circuitous route is a much longer journey.
- ka-to̤ pù;
- the dull edge of the blade of a pair of shears.
- 堆pû924328
- A heap; a pile.
- húe-pû;
- a pile of refuse or rubbish ready for burning.
- tī-kò̤ hwt húe-pû?
- Where are they burning a pile of rubbish?
- ciang-sî tó̤ sie húe-pû sie lío jûah sí;
- at times when rubbish is being burned the heat from it is intolerable.
- 㷛pû663869
- To heat; to boil; to cook by boiling.
- pû cho̤h kún cúi;
- heat some water to the boiling point.
- khîeh khṳ̀ huang-lô pû ke khún-kíaⁿ;
- take it to the stove and boil it a little while longer.
- pêh pû;
- simply boiled.
- 瓠pû222976
- A species of gourd, of which the dried shell is used for dippers and ladles.
- pû hua;
- a square shallow wooden dipper.
- hô-lô pû;
- the bottle gourd.
- pû cêk kâi cêk kâi seⁿ lío tìo tŏ̤ pêⁿ tèng;
- the gourds hang one by one where they grow on the trellis.
- 捕pŭ714647
- To pursue and capture; to search for and arrest.
- pŭ-thiaⁿ;
- superintendent of police in a sub-district magistrate's office.
- cóng-tok kâi sûn-pŭ;
- a police-office connected with the governor's yamun.
- bûn-sûn-pŭ, bú sûn pŭ;
- special aids to the chief provincial authorities, civil and military.
- pŭ-hîah; pŭ khùai;
- constables.
- chip-pŭ-kêk;
- vigilance committee.
- phài i khṳ̀ pŭ tău;
- depute him to pursue and arrest the thieves.
- i m̄ thong kàu pŭ;
- he has not understanding enough for the lowest official position.
- 伏pū15294
- To brood; to set on eggs; to hatch.
- pū cĕk tàu koi-kíaⁿ;
- to hatch a nest of chickens.
- koi-bó̤ tó̤ pū koi-kíaⁿ;
- the hen is sitting.
- câp kâi n̆ng pū chut káu ciah;
- nine tenths of the eggs produced chickens.