Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- the river divides into two branches.
- kîaⁿ kàu cí kò̤ pun cò̤ ku-ā tîo lō;
- at this point the road divides into several branches.
- thàng cîⁿ pêⁿ pun;
- divide the earnings equally.
- pun sùaⁿ; pun khui;
- to separate.
- kîaⁿ kàu pùaⁿ lō cū pun lō;
- half way there the road divides.
- 被pun6691455
- A sign of the passive voice, showing that what follows was suffered or done.
- i pun nâng khi-hŭ;
- he was imposed upon by people.
- nín sĭ àiⁿ pun nâng o̤-ló̤ a sĭ àiⁿ pun nâng mēⁿ?
- Do you want people to praise you or to blame you?
- pun kuaⁿ-hú lîah khṳ̀;
- seized by the magistrate.
- pun i cŭang tîeh;
- suffered from the force of the collison.
- pun i nâk tîeh;
- was clutched by him.
- 給pun3931206
- To give to; to supply; to afford opportunity.
- cí kĭaⁿ mûeh khîeh khṳ̀ pun i;
- take this and give it to him.
- bô̤ mûeh hó̤ pun i;
- I have nothing to give him.
- koiⁿ chù pun i tīn;
- gave him a house to live in.
- cho̤h châng pun i sĭu co;
- allowed him to receive the rent of a piece of ground.
- cài kiah ke nŏ̤ koiⁿ phò pun i, i àiⁿ i buah ke koiⁿ pun i;
- after he had set aside two more shops for her, she wanted him to set apart another one for her.
- lṳ́ pun úa thóiⁿ;
- let me see it.
- i ā-sĭ keh sek cū màiⁿ pun i cîah;
- if he is disobedient, do not give him anything to eat.
- kâi tī-tîang pun lṳ́ kâi?
- Who gave it to you?
- 本pún655751
- Native; proper; appropriate to; one's own.
- bûang pún;
- to forget one's parents.
- pún lâi úa m̆ khṳ̀;
- I should not have gone of myself.
- pún-tī nâng;
- natives.
- hó̤ pún-sṳ̄;
- capable; clever.
- i kâi pún-nía tōa căi;
- he has great abilities.
- a-pún;
- a clerk or secretary in a yamun.
- 糞pùn13211911
- Ordure; filth; muck; dung; manure.
- cêk bó châng ēng lô̤h jîeh cōi pûi-pùn?
- How much fertilizing matter must be put on one acre of ground?
- put tīo tŏ-pùn;
- clear away the rubbish.
- pùn-mn̂g;
- the anus.
- pùn-ki;
- a dust hod.
- pùn tî;
- a dust hole.
- èng pùn;
- to put on liquid manure.
- 吹pûn101304
- To blow with the mouth.
- pûn hō̤ tâng;
- sound a signal horn.
- pûn hûeⁿ têk;
- play on a flute.
- pûn ti-tâ;
- play on a pipe.
- pûn pi;
- blow a pipe.
- pûn pu;
- blow a trumpet.
- pûn ki-kû;
- blow on a whistle.
- pûn hăⁿ-haⁿ;
- make a low hoarse
sound on a wind instrument.
- pûn phak tī hóⁿ;
- blow, and make a sound like the roaring of a crouched tiger.
- pûn kùe teng;
- blow out the lamp.
- pûn chìn cē;
- cool by blowing.
- pûn huang;
- blow upon.
- 噴pûn6463013
- To expel the breath forcibly; to puff; to spurt.
- pûn cúi;
- spurt water out of the mouth.
- mâk eng tîeh, úa kio lṳ́ cē pûn cū hó̤;
- if you have dust in your eye, I will blow it out for you.
- in to sĭ pûn chut lâi;
- it keeps puffing out smoke.
- hueh tît pûn;
- the blood spurts straight out.
- 笨pŭn6551185
- Rude, doltish, dull.
- cho-pŭn;
- coarse and awkword; ungainly.
- i kâi nâng seⁿ lâi cho-pŭn, i kâi cò̤-sṳ̄ īa cū cho-pŭn;
- he is himself uncouth, and his conduct also is boorish.
- mûeh-kĭaⁿ cò̤ chut lâi thóiⁿ tîeh īa cho-pŭn, to̤ m̄ ìuⁿ-sìu;
- the things that he makes have all a rough and rude look and are never delicate and elegant.
- 不put71713
- An adverb of negation.
- put khó̤;
- not feasible; unfitting.
- put lêng;
- unable.
- put pĭen;
- inconvenient.
- put sìo;
- disobedient.
- put pit;
- uncertain.
- put mêng put pêh;
- not lucid.
- put ciet, put lî;
- neither instantly nor remotely.
- bô̤ só̤ put lí;
- there is nothing that is not under his control.
- bô̤ nâng káⁿ tàⁿ kâi put jī;
- nobody dared disagree with him.
- it put cò̤, jī put hiuⁿ;
- well, I'm in for it and I'll now go through with it.
- put sam put sṳ̀;
- neither the one thing nor the other.
- i lâi sĭu put sĭ;
- he has come to make acknowledgment of an error.
- put jît cū kàu;
- he will be here erelong.
- put jû màiⁿ khṳ̀;
- it would be better not to go.
- put ieh, jṳ̂ tâng;
- without a promise it would be the same.
- khṳ̀ kàu, i put ciu, put chái;
- on our arrival, he took no notice of us.
- put tŏng put khien;
- appears out of his element; looks as if it were done by one unaccustomed to the thing; unsystematic and incomplete.
- put jîen;
- on the contrary.
- hûa-hùi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n put cíe;
- spent no small amount of money.
- i tó lăi put tău-háu;
- he is ill at ease.
- 摳put3316411
- To lift with both hands.
- saⁿ kṳ put phû cìaⁿ bŏi tâh tîeh;
- lift your dress and then you won't step on it.
- khò put phû cìaⁿ bŏi mûeh tâm;
- hold up your trowsers and then they will not get wet.
- kûn put phû cìaⁿ bŏi kûe tîeh kha;
- raise your skirt, then it will not get in the way of your feet.