Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- lâi būe ŭ cêk nî, īa būe ŭ pùaⁿ cái;
- it is not yet a year, nor even half a year since you came.
- ke ŭ cêk nî pùaⁿ cái úa cū àiⁿ tńg lâi khṳ̀;
- in another year or less, I shall be going back again.
- 宰cái941407
- To govern; to rule; to slaughter.
- cái-sìang;
- a prime-minister.
- cú-cái;
- the ruler over all.
- cí cêk kok sĭ i cò̤ cú-cái;
- it is he who is the ruler of this nation.
- tăi thóng-cái;
- the President of the Board of Civil Office.
- cí kâi nâng cò̤ sṳ̄ sim lăi ŭ cú-cái;
- this person has a mind of his own.
- suah gû cái bé;
- to slaughter cattle and horses.
- 崽cái941469
- To bring forth, (said of animals).
- lāng-cái;
- a worthless fellow.
- kò lāng cái;
- a hired ruffian.
- lāng-cái phûe;
- a rogue in embryo; a piece of furniture that is finished except the painting.
- 再cài942134
- Again; repeatedly.
- cài thóiⁿ;
- look again.
- chíaⁿ cài tàⁿ;
- please say it again.
- m̄ hó̤ cài cîah;
- do not eat it any more.
- mùa-khí cài lâi;
- come again to-morrow.
- cheⁿ chun put cài lâi;
- youthful days never return.
- úa m̄ cài lâi;
- I will never come again.
- cài kùe ke kúi jît;
- again after some days.
- lṳ́ câi sĭeⁿ;
- think again.
- úa bô̤ cài tàⁿ;
- I shall not tell you again.
- lṳ́ īu cài m̄ tŏ̤;
- and again you were absent.
- cài saⁿ cài sì;
- again and again.
- cài-saⁿ hun-hù;
- repeatedly commanded.
- úa cài-saⁿ teng-lêng cok-hù, lṳ́ cò̤-nî m̄ it-tit?
- I have reiterated the orders, why do you not remember them?
- tîeh pí cía cài tōa kâi;
- it must be twice as large as this.
- īa sĭ cài tn̂g cū khah tn̂g;
- if any longer it would be too long.
- tîeh cài líu chim cē;
- it must be dug a little deeper.
- àiⁿ mō̤ⁿ hn̆g tîeh cài peh kûiⁿ;
- if you wish to see farther you must mount up higher.
- cài thóiⁿ kàu sêk-sêk;
- look at it repeatedly till you become familiar with its appearance.
- cài thâk ke kùe;
- read it over again.
- cài seⁿ;
- restored to life.
- cài seⁿ kâi tek;
- restored virtue.
- cài seⁿ kâi ṳn;
- restored favor.
- cài cía;
- furthermore.
- lṳ́ cài kó tīaⁿ;
- price it again, and more accurately.
- cài kè;
- a remarried widow.
- cài chūa;
- a remarried widower.
- 載cài9411596
- To carry; to contain; to lade; to sustain.
- cí ciah cûn cài ŭ jîeh cōi tàⁿ?
- How many piculs does this boat carry?
- gû chia bé cài;
- oxen
draw, and horses carry.
- cài kàu múaⁿ-múaⁿ; caì kàu tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;
- stowed full.
- cài cêk cāi;
- carry one load.
- cài kàu bît-bît;
- laden to the water line.
- cài m̄ lô̤h;
- cannot stow in.
- cài m̄ phû;
- cannot sustain so much.
- cài tit khí;
- can carry it.
- m̄ hó̤ cài ke lío;
- it will carry no more.
- cí ciah cûn sĭ cài sĭm-mih mûeh lâi?
- What cargo does this boat bring?
- cṳ tang ŭ cài;
- it is recorded in books.
- cài tŏ̤ sĭm-mih cṳ kò̤?
- What book is it in?
- tîeh ŭ kò̤ hó̤ cài lâk;
- there must be some coigne of vantage.
- bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ cài lâk;
- there is nothing to sustain one's self upon.
- 臍câi96613014
- The navel.
- tó câi;
- the navel.
- câi-tòa;
- the umbilical cord.
- ka tn̆g câi-tòa;
- cut the umbilical cord.
- tńg câi;
- cast off the umbilical cord.
- câi-bó̤;
- a midwife.
- tíaⁿ câi;
- the protuberance in the center of an iron pan.
- bō̤ câi;
- the pivot of a millstone.
- 甚căi738994
- Very; extremely; much.
- hó̤ căi;
- very good.
- hn̆g căi;
- very far.
- úa sieh i căi;
- I love her much.
- i àiⁿ căi;
- he wants it extremely.
- huaⁿ-hí căi;
- greatly pleased.
- hīn-căi;
- now.
- hīn-căi sĭ hău-seⁿ;
- is at present young.
- tṳ-kuaⁿ bói hīn-căi;
- pig's liver is bought for present use; we take things for what they are when we get them.
- cṳ̆-căi;
- as well as usual.
- bô̤ hìeⁿ cṳ̆-căi;
- not feeling very well.
- lṳ́ cṳ̆-căi mē?
- Are you well?
- ang-jîen cṳ̆-căi;
- well and comfortable.
- lṳ́ hó̤ cò̤ lṳ́ cṳ̆-căi;
- make yourself comfortable.
- m̄ káⁿ tng, lṳ́ cò̤ lṳ́ cṳ̆-căi;
- you are too kind, pray remain as you are.
- căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
- What is it like?
- seⁿ lâi căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
- What sort of thing is it?
- cò̤ lâi căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?
- How does it look?
- căi tit káⁿ?
- How dare I?
- căi tit tîeh?
- How is it to be obtained?
- lṳ́ cò̤ căi tit cîaⁿ?
- How can you accomplish it?
- căi tit ŵn?
- How can it be finished?
- tîeh căi-seⁿ cìaⁿ hâh?
- How can it be made so as to suit?
- 儎cāi941913
- A cargo; a boat-load.
- kui câp cāi;
- several tens of boat-loads.
- cài kàu múaⁿ cāi;
- carry a full cargo.
- pûaⁿ kùe cāi;
- to tranship the cargo.
- po̤h cāi;
- to land a cargo, by means of smaller boats.
- khí cāi;
- unlade the vessel.
- siu cāi;
- take in cargo.
- cêk cāi siu kàu lío;
- the cargo is all taken in.
- lô̤h cāi;
- lade the ship.
- cêk