Time; a season; a period; a Chinese hour; a quarter of a year; an occasion; an opportunity; now; timely; convenient; recent; in season; to time rightly; to take a fit time for; to be; when.
while, during;
as; then; at that time; sometimes.
cêk jît câp-jī kâi sî-sîn;
each day is divided into twelve Chinese hours.
cêk kâi sî poih khek;
each Chinese hour is divided into eight periods.
cêk-sî cū àiⁿ;
want it at once.
the other time.
ĕ sî;
next time.
cí īeⁿ mûeh sî-heng căi;
this sort of thing is quite the fashion.
thiⁿ sî;
the weather.
cí hûe sĭm-mih sî-hāu?
What time is it now?
sî-sî khek-khek bô̤ lî-khui;
do not leave it for an instant.
i m̄ sek sî-bŭ;
he is unacquainted with the world.
soiⁿ tiang-sî;
hīn sî;
at present.
tī tiang-sî?
hṳ́ sî; pí sî; hṳ́ cêk sî;
at that time.
sî-sî, sîeⁿ-sî;
constantly; always.
a little while.
ke cêk siap sî;
after a while.
úa sî kang cū lâi;
I came a moment later.
bô̤ cêk sî ôiⁿ;
have not a moment's leisure.
sî sîeⁿ;
all the time.
hâh sî a m̄ hâh sî;
seasonable, or unseasonable.
sî-thâu, sî búe, sî tong;
the beginning, the end or the middle, of a period.
mih sî jît?
At what time?
hṳ́ kâi sî-coih;
at that period.
sì sî kâi hue-bâk lóng-cóng cèng ŭ;
have all the vegetation of all the four seasons.
tng sî; tng khî sî;
at the time.
i sî put sî lâi i kò̤;
he comes to their house off and on at all times.
a clock.
a watch.
cá sî;
kó sî;
ancient times.
ŭ sî ŭ, ŭ sî bô̤;
sometimes there are, and sometimes there are not.
tàu sî put tíam, tíam sî put tàu;
when he is there it is not roll-call, and at roll-call he is not there; when he is there he is not wanted, and when he is wanted he is not there.
m̄ tùi sî;
m̄ tit sî;
not suited to the occasion.
hù sî;
in time.
tîeh hù sî;
must be in time.
cṳ́ sî thíu sî, în sî, sut sî, hăi sî;
the twelve hours of the day from 11 P.M. to 11 A.M.