- a thermometer.
- huang-hŏ-cam;
- a barometer.
- sî-ceng cam;
- the hands of a clock.
- pang-cam; thng-sî cam;
- the pin used to fasten the coiffure.
- jû cŏ̤ cam-ciⁿ;
- as if sitting on needles.
- ēng cam lâi thie tīo i kâi hueh;
- get a lancet and bleed him.
- cam huap;
- the rules for acupuncture.
- cêk cam kìⁿ hueh;
- one puncture brought the blood.
- cam kù;
- to probe.
- cam-tùi;
- point to point.
- cam-tùi móng nâng tàⁿ;
- it refers to what a certain person said.
- thih póiⁿ bûa cîaⁿ sìu-hue cam;
- an iron ferule may be ground down into an embroidery needle.
- 簪cam94511812
- To stick in the hair, or hat.
- cam hue;
- to put flowers in the hair.
- cam ēng;
- to put a tassel into a cap.
- hue cam, hue lúi;
- sprays and flowers, used as head ornaments.
- 斬cám12697
- To sever; to sunder; to chop off; to cut.
- cám châ;
- to cut wood.
- cám khui;
- to sunder.
- cám tīo;
- chop it off.
- cám thâu;
- to behead.
- cám chīu lîah cío;
- to cut down the tree in order to catch the bird.
- cám cò̤ nŏ̤ kûeh;
- cut it in two.
- ēng pó-thâu cìaⁿ hó̤ cám;
- take an axe and then you can chop it off.
- cám cháu tṳ̂ kṳn;
- to cut down the weeds and extirpate their roots; to wholly exterminate; to cut off all one's posterity.
- cám teng côih thih;
- to cut off a nail.
- cám síu sī cèng;
- to decapitate as a warning to others; to make an oxample of.
- kìe cám cŭe;
- a capital crime.
- kam cám kuaⁿ;
- a sheriff.
- cám, ká, kun, lîu, thû, sĭ ngŏ īeⁿ hêng huap;
- beheading, hanging, sending into the army, temporary banishment, and perpetual banishment, are the five methods of punishment.
- 譖càm94714916
- To slander or vilify.
- càm-cǹg;
- to defame.
- i hàuⁿ càm-cǹg nâng;
- he is addicted to slandering people.
- càm-cǹg kùe lâi, càm-cǹg kùe khṳ̀;
- backbiting each the other.
- 鏨căm94616711
- A fine chisel; a graving tool; to chisel out; to engrave.
- căm kíaⁿ;
- a graving tool.
- căm hue;
- to grave flowers.
- căm khṳ̀ hue-cháu ngía căi;
- the carving was beautifully done.
- căm lâi hue-jī m̄ hīn;
- the letters are are not plainly cut.
- tîeh căm chim cē;
- they must be cut deeper.
- khah tōiⁿ, căm m̄ lô̤h;
- the stuff is too hard, it cannot be chiseled out.
- ngṳ̂n căm;
- chasing on silver.
- căm hue kâi nâng;
- the graver.
- màiⁿ căm khih khṳ̀;
- do not break it in chiseling it.
- cîeh căm;
- a stone-cutter's chisel.
- cía khang tîeh
căm khuah cē, cìaⁿ tàu tit lô̤h;
- this hole must be cut larger, so the plug will go in.
- căm chùi cē;
- cut it more delicately.
- 站căm131175
- A stage of a journey.
- îah căm;
- the distance between post houses.
- cêk căm lō;
- one stage of a journey.
- tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ ŭ kúi căm lō̤?
- How many stages from here there?
- lō-căm àiⁿ cò̤-nî pheⁿ-phah?
- What route have you decided upon?
- thâu căm kàu tī-kò̤?
- What is the first stopping place?
- jī căm kàu hṳ́-kò̤;
- that will be the second stopping place on the route.
- 將cang967418
- To take; to make use of; a sign of the accusative.
- cang cía a cang hía;
- make use of this or that.
- cang sĭm-mûeh khṳt i cîah?
- What will you give him to eat?
- cang hó̤ ūe kio i tàⁿ;
- speak comfortably to him.
- cang bô̤ cò̤ ŭ;
- made out of nothing; unfounded.
- tîeh cang sêng-sim, m̄ thû-thû cang ūe tàⁿ;
- there must be sincerity as well as professions.
- cang ta-po ké cò̤ cṳ-nîe;
- had a man disguised as a woman.
- àiⁿ cang tī-tîang khṳ̀?
- Whom will you send?
- 棕cang1022758
- The coir palm.
- cang-sui;
- a coir cloak.
- cang so̤h;
- coir rope.
- cang chîeh;
- a coir mat.
- cang sàu;
- a coir broom.
- cang sieⁿ;
- a coir trunk.
- 鬃cang10221908
- A lady's coiffure.
- tá cang;
- do up the hair.
- lâu mô̤ⁿ, phah cang;
- let the hair grow, in order to arrange it in the style of a married woman.
- jû-ì cah tŏ̤ cang sim;
- an ornament was inserted in the centre of the coiffure.
- kíaⁿ-jît kâi cang siu khṳ̀ ngía căi;
- your hair is very prettily arranged to-day.
- cang-kíaⁿ lô̤;
- the hair arranged in a coil.
- 罾cang95112212
- A square lifting net, suspended on a frame, and let down by a long rope.
- áu cang; khang cang;
- to fish with lifting nets.
- khîa ki cang lâi áu hṳ̂;
- set a lifting net to catch fish.
- áu-cang máng-tìeⁿ;
- a mosquito bar having a folding frame inside.
- 莊cang1121407
- Sedate; serious; a high road.
- cang kèng;
- serious and respectful.
- twn cang;
- strictly correct in conduct.
- cang ngîam;
- strictly proper.
- cang tŏng;
- respectful.
- khang cang tōa lō;
- a level highway.