Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/530

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


a headland.
lw̆n suaⁿ;
broken highlands.
suaⁿ cheng-sìu;
well defined and compact mountains.
huang suaⁿ;
uninhabited mountains.
suaⁿ táu;
a hilly islet.
a capitalist who lives on shore, and invests his money in ships and cargoes.
tī-kâi cō̤-suaⁿ kío i?
What capitalist is his backer?
có suaⁿ;
wild land inherited from ancestors.
suaⁿ phîn;
a glen having vertical sides.
suaⁿ cú;
the owner of the hill.
kuaⁿ suaⁿ;
wild land belonging to the government.
nîe suaⁿ;
tax-paying land on the hills.
kong suaⁿ;
hills owned in common.
suaⁿ kang;
those who work on the hills.
suaⁿ phiah;
nooks among the hills.
cĭeⁿ suaⁿ, lô̤h suaⁿ;
ascend and descend a hill.
pûaⁿ suaⁿ kùe nía;
cross the mountains.
kùe suaⁿ kīe;
a palanquin or mountain chair.
chwn suaⁿ lêng;
a howitzer.
suaⁿ châk;
suaⁿ cē;
a stronghold among the mountains.
sûn suaⁿ kâi lîu-lô̤;
scouts connected with robbers having their abode in the mountains.
sien suaⁿ;
fairy grottoes.
suaⁿ-sîn thó tī;
local deities in the mountains.
suaⁿ kèⁿ;
paths among hills.
kîaⁿ suaⁿ; chūe suaⁿ; lĭo suaⁿ;
to go among the hills looking for a site for a grave.
i khṳ̀ cò̤ suaⁿ;
he has gone to locate a grave.
cía suaⁿ ēng kio nâng phoiⁿ a mín?
Is it necessary to confer with any one in regard to taking this as a place of burial?
one who is employed to take care of a grave.
kong-chin hùe chú ngŏ-câp ngṳ̂n khṳt i kùe suaⁿ;
the arbitrators awarded him fifty dollars for removing the grave to another place.
suaⁿ pang; tī hām;
a landslide, an avalanche.
suaⁿ tê;
the japonica.
cía tê kâi suaⁿ-khùi hó̤ mē?
Has this tea a fine native flavour?
tê suaⁿ;
a mountain upon which tea grows.
tōa suaⁿ bó̤;
a large hill in the midst of lesser ones.
suaⁿ phîaⁿ;
the sides of the mountain.
suaⁿ mīn, suaⁿ pùe;
the hither and thither sides of a hill.
suaⁿ côiⁿ, suaⁿ ău;
in front of and behind the hill.
suaⁿ po;
a plateau or a plain at the base of a hill.
suaⁿ phāng suaⁿ lêh;
a crevasse.
chîo suaⁿ;
the hill opposite.
ùaⁿ suaⁿ;
a plateau in front.
hṳ́ lăi khí kŭa ngâu-suaⁿ;
made several miniature hills therein.
huang-lô kâi saⁿ suaⁿ khah kĕ;
the three projections on the top of the earthen stove, are too slight.
hueh suaⁿ pang;
hemorage of the womb.
thài suaⁿ;
a mountain west of Shantung which gives fame to Tai Ngan Fu.
suaⁿ sek;
the various shades of green and drab, like the color of mountains, varying with distance.
cîah nâng kut-thâu cîaⁿ suaⁿ;
devour people till their bones form a pile as large as a hill.
suaⁿ tîeⁿ;
a place
where workmen take their meals on the hill.
suaⁿ kng-n̆ng kng-n̆ng;
bare and rocky hills.
suaⁿ kng-seⁿ kng-seⁿ;
barren mountains.
suaⁿ cûaⁿ;
a mountain spring.
the apex of a hill.
  • súaⁿ141006
  • To produce, to breed, to bear; the increase of any thing; a birth; parturiton; productions or resources of a country; an estate, a patrimony; a livelihood.
i ŭ jîeh cōi súaⁿ-ngîap?
How much real estate has he?
châng súaⁿ;
patrimony consisting in ricefields.
hiaⁿ-tĭ pun ke-súaⁿ;
the brothers have divided the estate among themselves.
thó súaⁿ;
the productions of a region.
i būe pat seⁿ-súaⁿ;
she has not get borne any children.
i cí pái lô̤h síe súaⁿ;
she at this time had a miscarriage.
mak súaⁿ;
defilement arising from being near one who has recently borne a child.
tŏ̤ súaⁿ côiⁿ thîo-lí tit-huap, lîm súaⁿ ŭ hío-sṳ̄-hùe tó̤ cú-ì, cū bô̤ lâng súaⁿ kâi cèng, súaⁿ ău kâi pēⁿ īa hó̤ cíe;
if the health be properly cared for before childbirth, and if during parturition there be some one who understands such matters to take control of things, then the labor will not be difficult, and the subsequent illness will be less.
  • súaⁿ724668
  • Medicinal powders.
àiⁿ ēng cò̤ îeh-súaⁿ hó̤ a îeh-îⁿ hó̤?
Do you want it in the form of powders or of pills?
cang phêng-ang súaⁿ cē hngk cū hó̤;
take a little sedative snuff and you will be all right.
súaⁿ îaⁿ kùe thng;
powders are better than the same medicine in liquid form.
  • sùaⁿ734853
  • A spit, or point on a beach.
sùaⁿ-thâu po;
the port of Swatow.
sùaⁿ-thâu sìn;

the garrison of Swatow.

  • sùaⁿ724668
  • To scatter, to dissipate, to disperse; to fall apart; to break up.
sì-sì sùaⁿ-sùaⁿ;
scattered all around.
suaⁿ cò̤ cêk koiⁿ;
scattered throughout the place.
cîⁿ mài phah sùaⁿ;
do not break the string of cash.
pun sùaⁿ;
apportioned out and distributed.
i sĭ thiah-sùaⁿ nâng kâi wn-ieⁿ;
he separates the pair of mandarin ducks; he sets husband and wife at variance.
châk khṳt úa cĕng sùaⁿ khṳ̀;
the rebels have all been dispersed by me.
i tháu-sùaⁿ mô̤ⁿ tó̤ cò̤ huap;
he dishevels his hair, practising incantation.
sùaⁿ tîeⁿ;
to disperse, as an audience.
sùaⁿ pang;
break up, as a company or set.
hwt sùaⁿ;
dissipate, as a cold.