dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- 導tău8674113
- To lead, to conduct, to point out the way; to induce to do right.
- lṳ́ hó̤ khai-tău i;
- you should show him the right way.
- khai-tău kàu mêng-pêh mêng-pêh khṳ̂t i thiaⁿ;
- set the correct method plainly before him.
- hùn-tău;
- a district instructor.
- 荳tāu8751407
- Pulse, peas, beans, legumes.
- tāu khoih;
- peas-cods.
- tāu-jîn;
- the beans or peas themselves; the meat of pea-nuts.
- tī-tāu;
- pea-nuts; ground-nuts.
- tī-tāu mô̤h;
- the thin brown coating on the kernel of pea-nuts.
- tī-tāu khak;
- the shells of pea-nuts.
- tī-tāu îu;
- pea-nut oil.
- lêk tāu, chiah tāu, o tāu, pêh tāu, n̂g tāu;
- green, red, black, white and yellow peas.
- tāu hū;
- bean-curd.
- tāu-āⁿ;
- a filling or stuffing of mashed peas.
- lêk-tāu ko̤;
- dumplings containing green peas.
- tāu-seⁿ; tāu-gê;
- bean-sprouts.
- chut tāu;
- have small-pox.
- cèng tāu;
- to vaccinate.
- tān céng;
- vaccine virus.
- tāu cieⁿ;
- small-pox pustules.
- cèng îeⁿ tāu, cèng gû tāu;
- vaccinate with virus from a sheep or a cow.
- tāu tâk;
- the matter contained in the pustules.
- cí ău ŭ cí īeⁿ céng-tāu kâi huap sĭm hó̤;
- in modern times there is this excellent method of vaccination.
- i kâi mīn pōiⁿ-pōiⁿ sĭ chut tāu, peh tīo tāu phí;
- his face is pock-marked, because he picked off the scabs when he had small-pox.
- 讀tāu92314915
- A clause; a phrase.
- thâk lâi ŭ kù ŭ tāu;
- read with attention to the pauses.
- thâk khṳ̀ bô̤ kù bô̤ tāu;
- read with no regard to the punctuation.
- kù tāu hó̤;
- the clauses are of proper length; the style is pleasant.
- 潷tè6936512
- To drain off the water or gravy from a dish.
- ám tè ta;
- drain off all the water from the rice.
- tè tīo pho̤h;
- pour off the liquid and leave the dregs.
- 濾tè5608515
- To filter; to strain through a cloth.
- khîeh kò̤ pò lâi tè tīo i kâi pho̤h;
- take a cloth and strain out its dregs.
- 茶tê51406
- Tea; an infusion.
- tê câng;
- the tea plant.
- tê hîeh;
- tea leaves.
- tê bí;
- dry tea.
- cîah tê;
- drink tea.
- chong tê;
- infuse tea.
- cò̤ tê;
- make tea.
- pû tê;
- boil water and make tea.
- tê ceng; tê pue;
- tea-cups.
- tê kẁn;
- tea-pot.
- tê pûaⁿ;
- a tea tray.
- tê sói;
- a bowl for rinsing tea-cups.
- tê au;
- a covered tea-cup.
- tê lô;
- a small furnace for heating water to make tea.
- tê ue;
- a tea-kettle.
- tê tĭen;
- a mat under a tea-pot.
- tê kŭ;
- a tea set.
- tê cûn;
- a boat-shaped saucer.
- tê kí;
- a tea-pot.
- tê hû;
- a large metal tea-pot.
- tê tháng;
- a cushioned tea-pot.
- tê pău;
- tall tea-pot.
- tê bí kẁn;
- a tea caddy.
- tê tû;
- a cupboard for tea things.
- cêk phàu tê;
- a drawing of tea.
- tê ca;
- tea leaves left after infusion.sai tê; pour the tea.
- tò̤ ceng tê lâi;
- pour out a cup of tea.
- khâng tê lâi;
- bring the tea.
- tê kẃn; tê kṳ;
- a tea saloon.
- tê pâng;
- a reception room.
- tê phò; tê lîm;
- a tea-shop;
- tê hu;
- the sticks and stems forming the refuse of tea.
- chá tê;
- to fire tea.
- pùe tê;
- to dry tea over a slow fire.
- tê hue;
- the camelia.
- tê îu;
- tea oil.
- tê-cí-kho;
- a cake made of tea seeds, used as is soap.
- tê sieⁿ;
- tea chest.
- taⁿ tê tàⁿ;
- the porterage of tea.
- chì tê;
- to test tea.
- táng cîah ceng tê lío;
- wait and take a cup of tea.
- tê kheh;
- a tea buyer.
- tê sṳ;
- tea inspector.
- khî céng tê;
- rare sorts of tea.
- mîaⁿ câng tê;
- a famous tea plant.
- mîaⁿ céng tê;
- a renowned variety of the tea plant.
- o-lêng tê;
- oolong tea.
- síe céng tê;
- the small or dwarf tea-plant.
- tōa-pue tê; kang-hu tê;
- common sorts of tea.
- cío chùi tê; n̂g tê;
- two sorts of tea grown near Swatow.
- kûiⁿ suaⁿ tê;
- the tea grown on high mountains.
- lăi suaⁿ tê;
- tea from the interior.
- îeh tê;
- medicated tea.
- tê ngî;
- a bonus.
- sàng i bói tê;
- gave him a small extra fee.
- tê pau;
- bundles of tea.
- khîeh kò̤ píaⁿ lâi phùe tê;
- take a biscuit with your tea.
- i kâi tê sĭ ŭ ín kâi;
- his tea is a neccessity with him.
- tê kâi hiang thâu hó̤ căi;
- the tea has a very fine aroma.
- cí phàu tê chong chut lâi ceng mīn hó̤;
- when this tea is steeped there is a fine aroma from the surface of the cup.
- tê-ceng tói;
- the aroma of the cup after the tea is drunk from it.
- cí phàu tê ŭ âu tói;
- this tea leaves an agreeable taste in the mouth.
- cí phàu tê kâi hiang cū cheng;
- this tea has an unmixed odor.
- tê khǹg kú sit hiang;
- tea loses its odor if long kept.
- tê cúi chong chut lâi bô̤ mih sek;
- the tea has but little color when steeped.
- tê lô̤h kău cē;
- put in tea enough to make a stronger infusion.
- i phêng-sî sĭ cîah kău tê;
- he is in the habit of taking strong tea.
- lô̤h cêk phàu hó̤ kâi tê lâi chong;
- put in a drawing of the best tea and steep it.
- cí kâi nâng lău-káng- kìu cîah tê;
- this is an old and discriminating tea drinker.
- tê pho̤h;
- the brown coating which forms on the inside of the tea-pot.
- sin tê; lău tê;
- new tea and old tea.
- kū tê hîeh lok tīo;
- rinse out the tea