Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/560

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
lṳ́ àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?
Where are you going.
pàng tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where did you put it?
m̄ cai i pàng tŏ̤ tī-kò̤;
do not know where he put it.
pun tī-tiâng?
To whom did you give it?
lṳ́ tī tiang-sî àiⁿ lâi?
At what time will you come?
tī kâi nâng tàⁿ?
Which person said it?
tī cêk jît?
Which day?
tī kâi sî-hāu?
At what time?
tī-tîang tŏ̤?
Who is there?
tī-kò̤ ŭ?
Where may some be found?
i tŏ̤ tī cêk koiⁿ pâng?
Which room is he in?
cí kò̤ kìe-cò̤ tī-kò̤?
What is this place called?
tī jît lô̤h hŏ?
Which day was it that it rained?
tī kĭaⁿ phīⁿ?
Which sort is cheapest?
tī kâi ngía?
Which one is prettiest?
táng kàu lṳ́ tī nî cìaⁿ àiⁿ lâi;
wait till the year, whatever one it be, in which you come.
i tùi tī cêk tîo lō khṳ̀?
By which road did he go?
i kâi phò tī cêk koiⁿ?
Which shop is his?
lṳ́ àiⁿ tī īeⁿ?
Which sort do you want?
àiⁿ pàng tī cêk pôiⁿ?
Which side do you want to put it on?
i tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?
Where is he?
tī kâi sĭ?
Which one ia it?
m̄ cai tī kâi sĭ;
I do not know which is the one.
put lŭn tī jît to hó̤;
any day will suit.
àiⁿ tah tī ciah cûn?
By which boat are you going?
cía sĭ tī-tîang kâi?
Whose is this?
i bô̤ kāng úa tàⁿ tī kâi;
he did not tell me which one.
cang tī ciah chíu khîeh?
With which hand shall I take it?
ki to̤ ŏi lāi?
Which knife is the sharper?
tī kâi ío tn̂g?
Which is the longer?
sĭ tī khí?
Which sort is it?
àiⁿ ēng tī cêk kò̤?
Which piece will you use?
  • 59855
  • To heal; to remedy; to oversee; to try, as a legal cause; to govern; to rule well.
tī cŭe;
to try for crime; to sentence or condemn prisoners.
to tîeh chîaⁿ-tī kàu i chŵn-jú;
must doctor him till he is well.
tī pēⁿ, tîeh tī tîeh i kâi pēⁿ ngŵn cìaⁿ ŭ ēng;
in treating disease the source of the disease must be reached in order that the treatment be of use.
put lêng tī ke, ien lêng tī kok?
If one cannot govern his own household, how can he govern the kingdom?
cṳ̆ cheng cò̤ tī ngô̤ tĭ;
styled himself, your humble servant.
tī mîn;
rule the people.
to cure.
cíaⁿ sît-căi bô̤ huap khó̤ tī;
there is really no remedy for it.
  • 88116210
  • To transmit, to send; on, to convey from hand to hand, to hand in, as a report to a superior.
khṳ̀ ti-kūiⁿ kò̤ tī pín;
went to the district magistrate to hand in a petition.
tī pín thiap;
handed in a petition.
cí kâi bûn-cuⁿ sĭ àiⁿ tī kàu séⁿ-sîaⁿ;
this dispatch is to be sent to Canton.
  • 879323
  • The earth, the second of the three prime powers, worshipped as Queen Earth; a spot, a place; a territory; grounds; a space; terrestrial; earthly; in the ground; the base; the support.
tī ĕ;
on the earth.
tī mīn;
the surface of the earth.
tī-kha kien-kù;
the foundations are firm.
aldermen; those who are responsible for good order in the wards of a city.
tī co;
ground rent.
sim tī;
the disposition.
kŭa tī phûe khí tīo;
dig up even the crust of the earth; extirpate the last vestige of them.
i sĭ pńg tī nâng;
he is a native.
pńg tī ūe;
the vernacular.
pûah lô̤h thô-tī;
fell to the ground.
hŵn ŭ û tī;
there is still some room left.
būe kàu i kâi tī-pō;
I have not yet attained his standing in this.
thien-bûn tī-lí;
astronomy and physical geography.
cì kò̤ tùi-tùi sĭ tī sim;
this is exactly in the centre of the ground.
pêh tī;
a white background or groundwork.
pêh-tī kâi pò m̄-hó̤ cia-íam;
cloth whose ground is white does not make a perfect screen.
châng tī;
the rice fields.
tī tîeⁿ;
the lay of the land.
kàu hṳ́ kâi tī ūi cē kú cū m̄ cai hó̤;
when one has occupied a position for a long time he is not aware of its excellence.
bô̤ tī-hng hó̤ pàng;
there is no space to set it in.
i ŭ cêk kò̤ hn̂g-tī àiⁿ bōi;
he has a piece of unwatered ground that he wishes to sell.
bói kò̤ chù-tī lâi khí chù;
buy a building spot to build a house upon.


  • tîⁿ4615715
  • To follow a course; to move in an orbit.
tîⁿ tŏ̤ tī cêk tō?
In what orbit does it move?
tang-cì pí hē-cì muéⁿ jît thài-îang só̤ tîⁿ kâi tō ke kíam ho̤h cōi;
the path which the sun daily follows is of very different length in winter from what it is in summer.
  • tîⁿ4612015
  • To bind; bandages; to wrap; to swathe; to implicate.
tîⁿ kha;
bind the feet.
bandages for the feet.
tîⁿ m̄ kín cū àiⁿ sùaⁿ;
if you do not wrap them tightly, they will spread out.
tîⁿ thâu pò;
a turban, or head-cloth.
tîⁿ cang-kíaⁿ-lô̤;
twist the hair in a knot.
tîⁿ tîeh tîo so̤h;
get entangled in a rope.
koi tîⁿ tîeh thâu-mô̤ⁿ;
the fowl has got its feet entangled in some hair.
i ē-ē lâi kau-tîⁿ i;
he is perpetually coming and bothering him.
i kín-kín lâi kau-tîⁿ;
he comes with urgent importunities.
lâi kau-tîⁿ ku-ā hûe;
came many times and hindered me.
i tîⁿ kín-kín, kîaⁿ m̄ khui sin;
he clings about me so that I cannot get away.
tîn tîⁿ tŏ̤ chīu tèng;
the creeper twines around