The earth, the second of the three prime powers, worshipped as Queen Earth; a spot, a place; a territory; grounds; a space; terrestrial; earthly; in the ground; the base; the support.
tī ĕ;
on the earth.
tī mīn;
the surface of the earth.
tī-kha kien-kù;
the foundations are firm.
aldermen; those who are responsible for good order in the wards of a city.
tī co;
ground rent.
sim tī;
the disposition.
kŭa tī phûe khí tīo;
dig up even the crust of the earth; extirpate the last vestige of them.
i sĭ pńg tī nâng;
he is a native.
pńg tī ūe;
the vernacular.
pûah lô̤h thô-tī;
fell to the ground.
hŵn ŭ û tī;
there is still some room left.
būe kàu i kâi tī-pō;
I have not yet attained his standing in this.
thien-bûn tī-lí;
astronomy and physical geography.
cì kò̤ tùi-tùi sĭ tī sim;
this is exactly in the centre of the ground.
pêh tī;
a white background or groundwork.
pêh-tī kâi pò m̄-hó̤ cia-íam;
cloth whose ground is white does not make a perfect screen.
châng tī;
the rice fields.
tī tîeⁿ;
the lay of the land.
kàu hṳ́ kâi tī ūi cē kú cū m̄ cai hó̤;
when one has occupied a position for a long time he is not aware of its excellence.
bô̤ tī-hng hó̤ pàng;
there is no space to set it in.
i ŭ cêk kò̤ hn̂g-tī àiⁿ bōi;
he has a piece of unwatered ground that he wishes to sell.