獨 tôk 921 94 13
Solitary, alone, isolated, by one's self; widowed or childless; left alone; one's own consciousness or what is only felt by himself; one of; only; yet.
nî lău, bô̤ kíaⁿ, kìe-cò̤ tôk;
when old and child-less one is said to be lone.
tôk mâk;
one eyed.
tôk kha;
one legged.
tôk kha, tôk chíu, cò̤ m̄ lâi;
cannot do it single handed.
tôk kâi phīⁿ khang;
loss of the dividing cartilage in the nose.
tôk ciah hĭⁿ;
has only one ear.
kùa tôk ciah hĭⁿ-kau;
wears a single earring.
tôk-cṳ̆ cêk nâng;
all by himself.
tôk cŏ̤, bô̤ lîo;
sit alone and without companions.
tôk lâk, lâng thî;
cannot brace it up with only the strength of one individual.
tôk ki tṳ̄ cò̤-nî cîah?
How can one eat with a single chopstick?
toaⁿ tôk sĭ i tīaⁿ;
it is no one but him.
tôk-tôk sĭ úa cū àiⁿ;
I am the only one who wants it.
chûn tôk cío;
my lone self.
phah tôk chèng;
fire a single gun.
i pang tn̂g, tôk sĭen, sĭ tăi kùi keh;
he has square intestines and a single kidney and is a man of extraordinary powers.
cŏ̤ tôk khàng;
sit alone on the divan.
solitary, single.
逐 tôk 97 162 7
To drive or push out; to expel, to order away, to exorcise; out going.
evict; drive out.
tôk chut gūa hng;
ejected and driven away.
íⁿ-keng pun úa tôk tīo khṳ̀;
has already been ejected by me.
i a-pĕ cêng pín-tôk kùe kâi;
one whom his father has disinherited and turned out of doors.
teng-teng tôk-tôk;
to gad about.
cí kâi tī-hng ío cíe teng-tôk;
there is but little running to and fro in social intercourse here abouts.
cí pńg sĭ jîp tôk phŏ;
this is the memorandum of what is daily brought in and sent out; the day book of a merchant.
i sĭ toaⁿ-toaⁿ bōi jît-tôk a sī ŭ bōi thò̤-hùe?
Does he sell what he daily buys or does he take in and sell on commission?
纛 tôk 922 120 19
A large triangular standard carried before a chief; a banner.
cì tōa tôk-kî;
offer sacrifice to the great standard.
îaⁿ sang-káng cū îaⁿ kŭa ki tōa tôk-kî chut lâi;
if people go out in procession with the gods during autumn, they carry out the great banners.
瀆 tôk 922 85 15
The hollows in land; used figuratively for the depressions in the face.
úa thóiⁿ i kâi sìang-măuⁿ ngâk-tôk hun mêng, lóng-cóng cìe sìeⁿ;
I see that the heights and hollows of the face are plainly distinguished and all according to the
i kâi mīn-tîeⁿ ngó-ngâk sì-tôk lóng-cóng bô̤ kô̤ hó̤ hîam;
his features are all faultless.
毒 tôk 922 80 5
Venereal disease.
venereal ulcers.
hṳ̂-kháu pĭen-tôk;
gaping venereal ulcers.
凟 tôk 922 15 15
To profane; to desecrate; to treat with contumely.
i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ siet-tôk sîn-mêng;
doing thus, he may bo considered as having blasphemed the gods.
kuaⁿ phoi tàⁿ "bô̤ îong tôk chíaⁿ";
the magistrate's decision was this "No appeals which are an abuse of privilege will be allowed".
中 tong 105 2 3
The middle, the centre; the heart or core; in the middle; medium, in size or quality.
the centre.
jìt tùi tong;
the sun is in the zenith.
medium sized.
i cí-hûe hŵn sǹg-sĭ tong-nî;
he is still middle aged.
tong-nâng; tong kang nâng;
a days man, an intercessor, an agent, an arbitrator or umpire.
sàng câp níe ngṳ̂n tong-kim;
gave ten taels to the agent as his fee.
tī-tiâng cò̤ tong-pó̤?
Who went bail for him?
tong-téng kâi nâng;
an ordinary or commonplace person.
tong kok; tong-ngŵn;
sīa tîeh pá kâi tong-iang;
hit the centre of the target.
tong gūa kâi hùe-mûeh to sĭ cŭ-cîp tŏ̤ cí-kò̤;
native and foreign goods are all brought together here.
tit tong cū hò̤, m̄ hó̤ thài-kùe īa m̄ hò̤ put kîp;
do not have either an excess or a deficiency, but have just enough.
a pig broker.
sugar broker.
sĭ sî thâu, a sĭ sî tong, a sĭ sî búe?
Is it the beginning, the middle or the latter part of the hour?
tong kèⁿ;
middle aged.
i cí-hûe cìaⁿ tong-kèⁿ tó̤ kīaⁿ;
he is now in the prime of life.
東 tong 930 75 4
The place whence light arises; the place of honor or the person in it.
cí kâi cṳ-ce tī-tîang có̤ tong-ke?
Who is the master of this school?
sî i cò̤ tong-cú;
he is the head of the house.
the head of a firm.
châi-tong kio húe-kì to tîeh hûa;
the master and his partners should be on good terms.
a thing, a creature, anything, used as a term of reproach.
màiⁿ chái hṳ́ khí àu tong-si;
pay no attention to those worthless scamps.
⿰火仒 tong 933 86 5
The aspect of a flame.
huang-lô kâi húe-thùaⁿ tong-tong âng;
the coals in the furnace are fiery red.