Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/604

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
chíu-cńg-thâu; kha-cng-thâu;
the fingers and toes.
chíu-cńg-thâu chun chut lâi īa ŭ tn̂g tó̤;
when the fingers are stretched forth they are not all of the same length.
ŵn-sui thâh pûaⁿ thâu;
crown the dish with coriander-seed.


  • thē11213012
  • Fat; like marrow; soft.
pûi kàu thē-thē;
stout and fat.
cêk sin nêk thē-thē;
fat in flesh.
kâi tó thē-thē;
  • thē61426
  • The sea-blubber or jelly-fish.
bói kò̤ thē lâi iam;
buy a slice of jelly-fish and dress it with sugar and vinegar.
the flesh of the jelly-fish.


  • theⁿ306412
  • To pole a boat.
theⁿ cûn;
to pole a boat.
ā-sŭ ŭ huang cûn cū mín theⁿ;
should there be wind we need not pole the boat.
i tó̤ theⁿ tō-cûn;
he is poling a ferry-boat.
theⁿ m̄ kîaⁿ;
it does not budge when I push upon the pole.
theⁿ lâi;
pole it nearer.
  • thèⁿ306412
  • To prop up with a stick; to shore up; to fasten open, as with a stretcher.
theng thèⁿ kûiⁿ cē;
prop up the shutter a little higher.
cía tîeh kìe kâi a-ói al5i thèⁿ;
must call a dwarf to prop it on.
saⁿ hó̤ thèⁿ pàng hṳ́ kháu khṳt i phâk jît;
hang the jacket out on a propped pole and let it sun.
khîa ki sam lâi thèⁿ cía bŏi tó̤;
bring a stick of timber and prop it up, then it will not fall.
thèⁿ m̄ phû;
it will not stay up when braced.
thèⁿ i khui;
hold it open by a stretcher.
bô̤ mûeh hó̤ thèⁿ;
have nothing to shore it up with.
  • 𣛟thèⁿ307512
  • A prop.
ki thèⁿ khah sòi;
the prop is too slight.
khîeh ki thûi lâi cò̤ thèⁿ;
take the mallet as a prop.
the prop which holds a window-shutter open.
  • thêⁿ848645
  • To push upward with the hands.
thêⁿ kûi-kûiⁿ;
lift it high by pushing upward.
thêⁿ tit khí a thêⁿ m̄ khí?
Can you raise it?
kīe sie-hŭ thêⁿ phû;
help lift the seadn over a high obstruction.


  • theh721550
  • Naked; stripped; denuded.
thong sin thǹg kàu theh-theh, tó̤ sói-êk;
completely undressed, bathing.
khṳ̂ châk pak kàu teh-theh khṳ̀;
stripped naked by robbers.
to bŏi jûah, cò̤-nî pak kàu līo-līo-theh?
As it is not hot why are you stripped stark naked?

  • thêh959408
  • A dwelling, a residence; a site.
dwelling houses.
châng thêh;
fields and dwellings.
tô̤h tī kâi jit àiⁿ jîp theh?
What day has been selected as a lucky one for moving into the house?
ke-thêh phêng-ang;
the household are all well.
tìn thêh;
protect the house, as a deity does.
i chíaⁿ tieⁿ hû tó̤ tìn thêh;
she asked for a charm to protect the house from evil influences.


  • thek701707
  • To mount, to ascend, to advance.
thek cĭeⁿ suaⁿ-téng;
to ascend a mountain.
i thek kàu hṳ́ suaⁿ-téng téng;
he went up to the topmost peak of the mountain.
thek būe kàu pùaⁿ suaⁿ cū bŏi kîaⁿ;
before I had gone half way to the top of the hill I was unable to proceed.
thek peh gūa keh tâh-pō-câng;
mounted over a hundred steps on the stairway.
thek tùi thui kò̤, thek cĭeⁿ chù-téng;
go up on the roof by a ladder.
kháu kàu cí cêk kùe hŵn ŭ sĭm-mih thut thek a bô̤?
After passing this examination will he get promotion or not?
  • thek72667
  • What is done by special command of the Emperor.
thek cṳ;
credentials; letters patent.
cêk nâng pì ìu, cêk nâng pì thek-cṳ;
one person bears the seals, and one the credentials.
khí cêk kâi thek-cṳ lâu;
build a charter house.
tìn-tang sāi cêk kò̤ thek-hong-pâi;
in the centre set a tablet allowed by special permission of the emperor.
kài thek;
royal prohibitions or precepts.
thek kîaⁿ kak ciu-hú;
promulgated by the Emperor's order, throughout all the Departments.
thek mĕng;
by Imperial com-mand.
  • thek8597513
  • A run, brace or cross-piece.
i kâi iⁿ-thek lut khṳ̀;
the rung has fallen out of the chair.
khĭa tŏ̤ kau-íⁿ thek;
stand on the rung of the chair.
chn̂g-thek tàu m̄ kín;
the cross-pieces near the lower end of the legs of the table are not mortised in tightly.
mîn-chn̂g thek;
braces between the legs of a bed-stead.
domestic animals.
thek-seⁿ kíaⁿ, m̄ hó̤ căi;
a horrid little brute.
àu thek-seⁿ!
You nasty brute!
  • thek721844
  • To enjoin on or instruct, as a superior does a subordinate; to command.
chíaⁿ kuaⁿ thek che khṳ̀ khàm;
ask the magistrate to dispatch a constable to examine into