Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
the geomantic influence.
- cúi sṳ-îaⁿ;
- the coast officers.
- àiⁿ kîaⁿ lêk lō a kîaⁿ cúi lō?
- Are you going by land or by water?
- lā-lûn-sie cúi;
- tepid water.
- cúi-lāu;
- a filter.
- 祟cúi8281135
- Of an evil spirit.
- kúi-cúi;
- cross, perverse.
- kúi-kúi cúi-cúi;
- demented.
- i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ kúi-cúi căi;
- he acts very wildly.
- sĭm-mûeh tó̤ cak cúi?
- What has set him to acting as if he were possessed?
- 嘴cúi10163012
- To talk much.
- îu-cúi;
- glib-tongued; specious; insinuating and deceptive speech.
- i tó̤ îu-cúi kâi;
- he is wheedling him.
- i kâi tàⁿ-ūe îu-îu cúi-cúi, bô̤ tieh-sît;
- his talk is all palaver, with no honest purpose in it.
- 醉cùi10161648
- Drunk; fuddled; stupefied.
- cîah cíu cùi;
- become intoxicated.
- cîah kàu ma-ma-cùi;
- drink till maudlin drunk.
- m̄-hó̤ cîah kàu cùi;
- do not drink to excess.
- jú cùi jú chi;
- the more tipsy the more stupid.
- m̄ cai cùi;
- not affected by liquor.
- cíu m̄ cùi nâng, nâng cṳ̆ cùi;
- when not made a fool of by liquor, he is a fool of himself.
- bô̤ cíu, saⁿ hun cùi;
- without having drunken he is half drunk; without being tipsy he acts like a simpleton.
- tèⁿ cùi;
- feigns drunkenness.
- sui cùi sui tīaⁿ;
- although drunk he knows what he is about.
- cùi-ngán mông-lông;
- dazed as if by liquor.
- cuì-ong;
- boozy.
- ût kàu cùi-cùi;
- sleep very soundly.
- i tó̤ cùi cíu;
- he is drinking to intoxication.
- saⁿ tǹg cùi cíu;
- drinks to intoxication every meal.
- lṳ́ màiⁿ cùi;
- don't be silly.
- cùi kàu lok-lok;
- as drunk as possible.
- cùi kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
- dead drunk.
- cie cŭi;
- go to live with a father-in-law.
- 倅cŭi101798
- A substitute; a vice; an aid; secondary; supplementary.
- hú-cŭi;
- a deputy sub-prefect.
- i tó̤ cò̤ hú-cŭi;
- he is acting as deputy sub-prefect.
- hú-cŭi kìⁿ hú-cìaⁿ-tn̂g ēng kîaⁿ sĭm-mih lói?
- What are the formalities to be observed by the deputy sub-prefect when visiting the prefect?
- 猝cŭi1015948
- A dog rushing from a cover; abrupt; precipitate.
- cŭi-jîen cū ngŏ̤ tîeh;
- came upon him very precipitately.
- chang-cŭi cṳ kang, pĭen m̄ mêng-pêh;
- in the hurry and flurry of the moment did not discriminate clearly.
- 罇cun101912112
- A bottle or flask.
- hûi cun, po̤-lî cun;
- earthen or glass bottles.
- cêk kâi cun;
- a bottle.
- cúi cun;
- a water bottle.
- îu cun;
- an oil can.
- kúi ki cíu cun;
- several wine bottles.
- cun-thak;
- the stopper of a bottle.
- cun-thak pôih chut lâi;
- take out the stopper.
- cun sak miⁿ-miⁿ;
- cork the bottle tightly.
- cun chùi khîeh cúa sak miⁿ;
- take some paper and stop the mouth of the bottle tightly.
- cun kùa;
- the cover of a flask.
- cêk cun cíu;
- a bottle of liquor.
- cun hĭⁿ;
- the handle of a flask.
- ŭ lâng-ló̤ tùe tŏ̤ cun tói;
- there is a little adhering to the bottom of the bottle.
- tn̂g ăm cun;
- a long necked flask.
- cun tn̆g cheng-khih;
- rinse the bottle clean.
- khui cun;
- open a bottle.
- chò tò̤ jîp cun tói;
- pour the vinegar into the bottle.
- 尊cun1019419
- To venerate.
- cun-kèng;
- show respect toward.
- cun-tŏng i;
- evince esteem for.
- cun-kùi kâi nâng;
- an honored personage.
- bô̤ cun i cò̤ tōa;
- does not pay respect to him as to a superior.
- cun-hôk;
- be subservient through esteem.
- cía sĭ cun-cheng i kâi ūe;
- this language is used in expressing reverence for him.
- ŭ cun pui tōa sòi kâi lói-sìo;
- there are certain forms of etiquette appropriate between the high and the low, the old and the young.
- i m̄ cun i;
- he does not pay respect to him.
- lĕng cun;
- your father.
- cun kè;
- respected sir.
- cêk cun hût;
- a Buddhist idol.
- i keng lăi sai ŭ kúi cun lău-îa;
- in their temple they have several gods.
- cì-cun;
- the Emperor.
- cun cíang;
- elderly honored persons.
- cun i cò̤ tōa;
- treat him as your elder.
- hú-cun;
- the prefect.
- 遵cun101916212
- To conform to; to follow orders.
- cun huap-lût;
- obey the laws.
- cun mĕng;
- obey orders.
- cun kîaⁿ;
- carry out the instructions.
- lím cun;
- lím-lím cun; conform exactly.
- cun-chông i kâi ūe;
- carried out his directions.
- i m̄ cun;
- he does not comply.
- cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to̤ sĭ cun lói-huap;
- in whatever he does he acts in conformity with the regulations.
- cêk pôiⁿ cun tẁn, cêk pôiⁿ m̄ cun tẁn;
- partly followed the instructions and partly disobeyed them.
- kŭ cun;
- carry out all orders.
- 准cún103158
- To grant, permit, or allow.
- cún a m̄ cún?
- Did he grant your request or not?
- cún lṳ́ khîu;
- grant your petition.
- cún i cìeⁿ-seⁿ kîaⁿ;
- permit him to do thus.
- úa ṳ̆-soiⁿ cún-pĭ hó̤ lío;
- I am already