Page:Die Kaufmannschen Messungen.djvu/3

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Then, because of the continuity of :

und 0.

The value of the constant ξ' I assumed to be as large, so that that the value of the "electric field integral" is the same as Kaufmann's. Its value is:[1]


Substituting the above values, it follows:

and from this:

ξ = 0,593 ϰ = 2,468 λ = 2,475.

To reduce the electric field strength to the absolute electrostatic unit: , or to the absolute electromagnetic unit: , one has:[2]


Whether the simplistic assumptions made in relation to the electric and magnetic field are really sufficient for the relevant calculations, will be shown below.

§ 3. Magnetic deflection.

If we introduce into the equations of motion (§ 1) the momentum vector (quantity of motion)


and also the electromagnetic unit of the electric field strength () and for the electrical elementary quantum (ε), then they are:

. 7)

Because is constant, (5) and (7) can be integrated with respect to time t. Dividing the two resulting equations, t, p and q are entirely eliminated, and a second integration yields the equation of the trajectory of projection on the xz-plane, a circle, which goes through the points x = 0, z = 0, x = x1, z = 0 and x = x2, and is determined by it. The current coordinates x, z of the points of this circle can be represented as functions of one variable parameter: the angle φ which is the tangent of the circle in the direction of motion on the x-axis, and it is positive when the motion is to the side of the positive z-axis:

. 8)



is the radius of the circle and φ1 the value of φ for x = x1. In these equations it is already expressed that for x = 0 and x = x1, z = 0. If it is considered that x = x2, , then we have the values:




and also from (9).

By inserting (8) into (5) or (7) we have:

. 12)

Now it is:


for which we can put with sufficient approximation:[3]

. 13)


. 14)

The momentum p of each electron is independent of time and, without entering into a special theory, can be calculated from the magnetic deflection .

Since p is independent of time t, the same follows for the velocity q and by (12) for the angular velocity . So angle φ is linearly dependent on time t.

§ 4. Electrical deflection.

From (6) it follows:

and from this according to (12) and (13)

  1. l. c. p. 526 and p. 547.
  2. l. c. p. 547
  3. l. c. p. 527.