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Page:Difficulties Between Mexico and Guatemala.djvu/19

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even before a formal proposition (which has not yet been made), the mediation of the United States with the character of an arbitration in her differences with Guatemala, for she would have the greatest confidence in the impartiality and justice of this mutual friend of both parties.

The interview was concluded by Mr. Morgan promising to send a copy of the note which he had read, and by the undersigned promising to prepare the present memorandum, which should contain, in addition to the foregoing, certain observations suggested by the contents of the said note.

Examining this important dispatch, of which a copy was sent to this Ministry the same day, attention is at once drawn, since it shows a strong desire to prove a just and friendly intention, to the paragraph drawn up in the following terms: "Events fresh in the memory of the present generation of Mexicans, which occurred at a time when the moral and material support of the United States, although engaged in a tremendous civil war, was amply afforded in order to avoid the danger with which a foreign empire menaced the life of the Mexican Republic, offer a satisfactory proof of the purity of motives and of the friendly disposition with which the United States regarded all that relates to the prosperity and the subsistence of the sister republics on this continent."

In fact, Mexico can never forget what was witnessed by the present generation of Mexicans as referred to by the Hon. Mr. Blaine, i.e., that the United States lent their generous moral support, when, being invaded by a foreign army, her people struggled alone and without resources from abroad against a European monarch and his instrument in this country, who