"I know," sez Smith. "I got it right.
Jim used to talk to me at night
About a little girl 'e tracked.
'Er name is Flo. Ain't that a fact?
That's 'er. I know she writes to 'im
Each mail. She ain't forgotten Jim.
"I'd like to swap my luck for Jim's
If 'e comes 'ome with all 'is limbs.
An' if 'e don't—well, I dunno.
I've taken notice uv this Flo,
An' wonder if"—'e stares at me—
"If there is more like 'er" sez 'e.
Now, Digger Smith 'as learned a lot
Out fightin' there, but 'e ain't got
The cunnin' for to 'ide 'is 'eart.
'E's too dam honest, for a start;
'Is mind's dead simple to a friend.
I've read 'im through from end to end.
I've learned from things 'e 'asn't said
Jist wot's been runnin in 'is 'ead.
I know there is a girl, somewhere:
Some one 'oo 'ad the 'eart to care
For 'im when 'e went to the war.
I know all that, an' somethin' more.