He criticised some of Rawlinson's opinions, but rarely Avitli asperity, and he generously acknowledges that the Enirlish scholar ' a OTandement nierite de Thistoire du genre humain.' ^ He subsequently revised his own translations for his book on the ' Expedition en Mesopotamie,' published in 1858. In the same year Itawlinson made an amended version of the Behistun Inscription for the edition of Herodotus published by liis brother; and again in 1873 for the ' Records of the Past.' - The other inscriptions were once more revised by Oppert in 1877 for the same useful publication.^ But meanwhile a complete edition of the whole Persian inscriptions had been pubHshed by Spiegel in Germany in 1802,^ and hi France in 1872, by M. Menant.^ The latest publications on the subject that have come under our notice are the valuable treatises on the languages of the first and second columns by Weissbach,^ and of the third column by Dr. Bezold,^ accompanied in each case by a revised text, transliteration and trans- lation.
^ Journal AsiaU'r/uff xviii. 560.
" liec. O. S. i. 107. 2 Id. ix. 67.
' Die Altpei'siachen Keilinschriften^ von Fr. Spiegel, second edition, Leipzipf, 1881.
•' Zf/» Achemhiides et les Inscn'jytions de la Perse, par Joachim Menant, Paris, 1872.
'• Die Altperjivtchen Keilinschriftcnj von F. II. Weissbachund AV. Rang, Leipzig, 1893. Die Achiimenidenijischriften zweiter Art, von F. II. Weis- bacb, Leipzig, 181X).
' Die Achiim. Ins. des. Bahylonischen Textes, von I>r. Carl Bezold, Leipzig, 188l>.