Page:Distinguished Churchmen.djvu/167

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among members. You will no doubt be interested to know that among others who belonged to the E.C.U. were John Keble and Dr Pusey."

"But did not Dr Pusey publicly disapprove of the ritualism which was encouraged and supported by the E.C.U.?"

"No doubt that statement has been made, and no doubt at one time Dr Pusey had fears with regard to ritual. But when he was elected in 1866, he took the opportunity of making an explanation. Dr Pusey stated that his 'slowness' in joining was not owing to any suspicion of the E.C.U. He had been forced to sever his connection with a previous society, because it was 'somewhat revolutionary.' He therefore had waited until he had seen the E.C.U. 'tried.' 'The prudence and wisdom of the Chairman,' he said, 'and the proceedings of the Council have entirely satisfied me upon that head, and I am most thankful to join your association.' Dr Pusey also explained that the fears he had previously entertained were chiefly lest 'the externals might be taken at the expense of the internals'; lest 'the whole movement should become superficial'; lest the clergy should 'model the services according to their own will.' Now, however, he had 'no fear.' Difficulties had been removed, and 'what we (the Tractarians) then taught in words is now being taught in acts.'"

"How would you meet the charge of lawlessness so often brought against the E.C.U.?"