Page:Distinguished Churchmen.djvu/189

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District. Of his subsequent life his lordship has said, " I was an artist for nearly fifteen years, being en gaged a good part of the time in Christian work. My first picture was exhibited in the Royal Academy in 1874. I got to see gradually that I must either do one thing or the other give myself entirely to my painting, and cut myself off from other interests, or else give myself absolutely to Christian work. And so I made the choice of the latter, and went to Oxford (Christ Church)." It was there young Tucker took his B.A. degree in 1882, proceeding to his M.A. three years afterwards, and he was fortunate in that he numbered among his contemporaries at the University, Arthur Hardinge, whom he was destined to meet later in life as Sir Arthur Hardinge, Commissioner of East Africa, and a young fellow named Curzon, whom the world has since known as Mr George Nathaniel Curzon, Lord Salisbury s Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and as Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Viceroy and Governor-General of India.

Ordained in 1882, Mr Tucker s first curacy was with the Rev. E. P. Hathaway, at St Andrews-the- Less, Clifton, and it was about this time that he married Hannah Josephine, daughter of Mr W. F. Sim, of Southport. From Clifton in 1885 on Mr Hathaway s resignation of the living he migrated to Durham, to be Curate of St Nicholas , under the Rev. Henry Elliott Fox, M.A., now the Hon. Secretary of the C.M.S. Of Mr Fox, the

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