of England has no desire to interfere in any way with the independence of the sister Church. She strongly deprecates and discourages proselyt- ism from the Coptic or any other branch of the Eastern Church ; but she aims at promoting, by every means in her power, the re - union of Christendom, by which the power of the Gospel in the world would be enormously increased."
And this brings us down to Mr Fowler s visit to Egypt in 1900, when he had several interviews with His Holiness Cyril V., Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria, whom he found well disposed towards the Church of England, and anxious to promote a closer relationship between that Church and the Church of Egypt. Dr Popham Blyth, to whom reference has previously been made, was consecrated by Archbishop Benson Bishop of the Church of England in Jerusalem and the East, and he has done remarkably good work there. Of the efforts in the direction of providing an independent Bishop for Egypt Mr Fowler speaks in the subjoined dialogue, but modest man he is dumb to much of the help he personally has ren dered to the object in view. Ever since his visit to Egypt, of which his volume affords a faithful record, scarcely a week has passed but his pen has been used in advocacy of this latest scheme for the extension of Anglican Church influence in Egypt. In the columns of Church Bells he started and still continues a " Fund for the Egyptian
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