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Page:Distinguished Churchmen.djvu/312

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said that it was pleasing evidence of the love of his people for him when only recently he was made the recipient of a handsome present in recognition of his long-continued services.

Throughout life the Vicar of Onslow Square has given proof of marked individuality, coupled with great strength of will, which have enabled him to override difficulties against which many a man with as good a heart, but Jess happily endowed in other respects, has struggled in vain. Over and over again his health has given way under the strain of his self-imposed tasks and his zeal to accomplish much in the service of his Master. But it is characteristic of the man, if he should thus stumble, to rise again with an unconquerable desire to achieve his purpose. It is recorded of him that while at Pembroke College, Cambridge, after hav ing won for himself a reputation as an athlete being particularly good at the high and long jumps he fell from the top of a gymnasium and injured his spine, with the result that he underwent the examination for his degree while lying upon a couch in the Senate House. He, however, returned to his pastimes afresh, and, unfortunately, to his bed, as a consequence. From the point of view of health, therefore, it has been a chequered career ; but few careers have been more useful and helpful to others, or more consistent throughout.

Prebendary Webb-Peploe was born at Weobley, in Herefordshire, in 1837, the youngest son of the

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