may be that I do wrong ; but I think each clergy man must decide for himself. I may be told that I have lost touch with the rich because I may have neglected their social life ; but, on the whole, my belief is, that a man s power will lie in a con secrated life, and the devotion of himself entirely to the best interests of his people, and to the preaching faithfully of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Party differences would then be much less accentuated. A leading member of the Episcopate once told me that he went twice a week into Society, and he used this expression, Do you know, Mr Peploe, it costs me more to prepare for a dinner-party than it does to prepare for a sermon in my church.
"As a Churchman with broad views, will you explain how far you think it is possible for Church men to associate with Nonconformists."
"Well, I think it is possible to associate with them in everything except Church organisation. I should say, Co-operate with them in everything where it is possible whether for religious, philan thropic or social purposes. Although we may not, according to law, invite Nonconformist ministers to preach or take part in our Church services, I say let us use every possible method for united worship such as at the Keswick and other conventions, where we meet without the question ever arising as to the denomination to which a man belongs. The tent at Keswick, you know, is fronted with a
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