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Socially, there is no question that it is responsible For unparalleled upheaval. Whatever the ulterior advantage derived, then, the immediate results of war certainly do not make for peace, and, sad to behold, its disturbing influences extend even to within the pale of the Church that most valuable of all pacific agencies.

During the last century South Africa has be come a well-known theatre of organised warfare. Tribal risings, often due to incomprehensible causes, have counted for much, and frequently Great Britain has had to interpose to suppress with a firm hand the insurrection movements of uncivilised peoples. More recently, of course, she has been engaged in the most costly war of modern times as the outcome of her endeavour to prevent the complete subjugation of white people to the power of the ambitious Boer race. Thus it may be said that for religious enterprise the field has not been a fair one ; but, in spite of all the attendant difficulties, a praiseworthy attempt has been made to carry on the work of the Church with something like continuity and success. Zululand affords a concrete example.

A fine stretch of land, rough and benefited by streams, containing something like 150 miles of sea board away to the north-east of Natal, Zululand is accounted more healthy than most parts of South Africa, probably because of its height and dryness. As is well known, it is the home of an important

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