In later years, in addition to discharging the duties incumbent upon him as Archdeacon, Dr Taylor has been actively engaged in parochial work at St Andrew s, Aigburth Road, Liverpool. It is a fact worthy of note that throughout his clerical life the Archdeacon has remained in prac tically the same Diocese. It will be remembered that Chester and Liverpool became detached for Diocesan purposes in 1870.
Looking back upon the eventful life of the Arch deacon of Liverpool, and the many useful purposes to which he has devoted his ability and energies, one is bound to confess that he has built up for him self chiefly a reputation as one of the prominent controversalists of the latter part of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth centuries. With him the getting at the root of things is a matter of course, to which time and labour in research and inquiry are given ungrudingly. The result is that he enters into the discussion of a topic with a full mind, ready to quote in support of his assertions chapter and verse of books altogether unfamiliar even to many reputable readers. This much may be said with confidence, Dr Taylor has always had the discretion to abstain from controversy and matters which do not strictly come within the scope of his wide range of thought ; but once he enters upon a subject it is with the avowed purpose of mastering its every detail, so that he may be equipped for the approach of the keenest disputant.
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