" What do you think is the balance of parties among Churchmen in Liverpool ? "
" I should say that probably the High Church party is in the majority ; but, besides the avowedly Evangelical men, there are many clergy, particularly in the outskirts of the city, who are neither High, Low or Broad Churchmen, Moderate or no party. Hence you see something of the change which has come over Liverpool during the last forty years."
"You have throughout been a consistent Protestant and a leading supporter of the Church Association. Will you say something as to the conditions which called that party of the Church into existence ? "
" The Church Association was established in 1865 or thereabouts, the originating cause being the work of the English Church Union and the growth of the Ritualistic movement. The founders were Dr Richard Blakeney, whose brother was afterwards Archdeacon of Sheffield, Dr Wilson, the Vicar of Islington, Dean Close, Edward Auriol and Dr Miller of Birmingham. Dr M Neile was another of those who took a leading part in the promotion of the new movement, also the Rev. Ed. Sasbett, Mr J. Colquhoun and many others. I was not present at the inaugural meeting, but I believe that it was held under the presidency of Mr Colquhoun, as well as I can recollect, at Exeter Hall, in May 1867. At this meeting resolutions were passed condemning the introduc-
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