day of the meeting of the first Parliament next after his accession, sitting in the Throne in the House of Peers in the presence of the Lords and Commons, or at his Coronation before such person or persons who shall administer the Coronation Oath to him or her, at the time of taking the oath (which shall first happen) subscribe and audibly repeat the Declaration mentioned in the Statute 30, Charles II., entitled " An Act for the more effectual preserving the King s person and Government by disabling Papists from sitting in either House of Parliament."
" The question now arises whether our fore fathers were justified in this statement. To my mind there can be little doubt that they were so."
" But it may be said in some quarters that the necessity for this declaration has long since passed away, and why should it be retained ? "
" My answer," replied Dr Taylor, " is, simply because it appears essential thus to safeguard the Protestant succession to the Monarchy. It is a declaration which no consistent Roman Catholic could possibly make, and therefore, as long as this nation is resolved to retain a Protestant King, so lonp- that declaration would seem to be
"Yes; but it may be said why should not the King be free, like all his subjects, to profess what religion he likes ? "
"There again the answer is simple; because he is the King and the Protestant Monarchy seems to us bound up with the safety and welfare of the kingdom, vide the history of the last 350 years.
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