the author has deemed it of importance to ascertain how far the spiritual provision has kept pace with the continually-increasing needs of the people. It will be conceded a difficult task to find anyone as competent to speak on the subject as that distinguished Churchman, the Venerable Archdeacon of London, who for over a quarter of a century has been actively and prominently engaged in helping to promote the welfare of the Church in the greatest city in the world. In order that a comprehensive story might be presented, Archdeacon Sinclair was requested to review the doings of the Church in London under the last four Bishops—Dr Jackson, Dr Temple, Dr Creighton and Dr Ingram—with all of whom he has served; and what he says, in compliance with that request, makes interesting reading.
But a few facts about the Archdeacon, in the first place. Where, it may be asked, shall we find a more familiar figure? Among preachers of the day, it is well within the mark to say that Dr Sinclair stands in the first rank, with the reputation of being among the few able to make themselves distinctly heard by the vast congregations at St Paul's; and one needs but to look down the lists of societies whose objects are philanthropy and social amelioration to be convinced that most movements for good in the age find in him an influential and vigorous supporter. To the writer's mind there is vividly