Notes in writing besides more
priuie by mouth that were giuen by a Gentleman,
Anno. 1580 to M. Arthure Pette and to M. Charles Iackman,
sent by the marchants of the Muscouie companie for the
discouerie of the northeast strayte, not altogether unfit
for some other enterprises of discouerie,
hereafter to bee taken in hande.
What respect of Ilandes is to be had, and why.
Hereas the Portingales haue in their course to the Indies in the Southeast, certaine portes and fortificatiõs to thrust into the way, to diuers great purposes: So you are to see what Ilands, and what portes you had neede to haue by the way in your course to the Northeast. For which cause I wish you to enter into consideration of the matter, & to note all the Ilands, & to set them downe in plat, to two endes, that is to say, That wee may deuise to take the benefite to them. And also foresee how by thẽ the Sauages or ciuill Princes, may in any sort anoy us in our purpose to trade that way.
And for that the people to which wee purpose in this voyage to goe, be no Christians, it were good that the masse of our commodities were alwayes in our owne disposition, and not at the will of others. Therefore it were good that we did seeke out some small Iland in the Scithian Sea, where we might plant, Fortifie, & Staple safely, frõ whẽce (as time should serue) wee might feede those heathen nations with our commodities without cloying them, or without venturing our hole masse in the bowels of their countrey.
And to whiche Ilande if neede were (and if we shoulde thinke so good) we might allure the Northeast nauie, the nauie of Cambalu to resort with their commodities to vs there planted, and stapling there.