ANd of the ayre may be found vpon that tract temperate, & the soyle yeelding wood, water, land and grasse, and the seas fish, then we may plant on that mayne the offals of our people, as the Portingals doe in Brasil, & so they may in our fishing in our passage, & diuers wayes yeelde commoditie to England by harbouring and vitelling of vs.
And it may bee, that the inland there may yeelde mastes, pitch, tarre, hempe, and all thinges for the Nauie, as plentifully as Eastland doth.
The Ilandes to be noted with their commodities and wantes.
TO note the Ilands, whether they be hie lande or lowe land, moũtanie, or flat, sandy, grauelly, clay, chalchy, or of what soyle, wooddy or not wooddy, with springs & riuers or not, and what wyld beasts they haue in the same.
And whether there seeme to be in the same apt matter to build withall, as stone free or rough, and stone to make lime withall, and wood or coale to burne the same withall.
To note the goodnes or the badnes of the hauens, & harborowes in the Ilandes.
If a straite be founde what is to bee done and what greate importance it may bee of.
ANd if there be a strayte in the passage into the Scithian Seas, the same is specially and with great regard to bee noted, especially if the same straite be narrow and to be kept, I say it is to be noted as a thing that doeth much importe, for what Prince soeuer shall be Lorde of the same, and shall possesse the same, as the king of Denmarke doth possesse the straite of Denmarke, he onely shall haue the trade out of these regions into the Northeast partes of the world for himselfe, and for his priuate profit, or for his subiectes only, or to enioy wonderfull benefite of the toil of the same, like as the king of Dẽmarke doth enioy of his straites, by suffering the Merchantes of other Princes to passe that way, If any such straite be found, the eleuation, the hie or lowe lande, the ha-uens