setling places be founde marshie and boggie, then men skilful in draining are to be caried thither. For arte may worke wonderfull effectes therein, and make the soyle rich for many vses.
To plante vppon an Ilande in the mouth of some notable riuer, or vpon the poynt of the lande entring into the riuer, if no such Iland be, were to great ende. For if such riuer were nauigable or portable farre into the lande, then would arise great hope of planting in fertill soyles, and trafficke on the one or on the other side of the riuer, or on both, or the linking in amitie with one or other petie king contẽding there for dominion.
Such riuers founde, both barges and boates may bee made for the safe passage of such as shal perce y͏ͤ same. These to bee couered with doubles of course linnen artificially wrought, to defend the arrow or the dart of the sauage from the rower.
Since euery soyle of the world by arte may be made to yeelde things to feede and to cloth man, bring in your returne a perfect note of the soyle without and within, and we shall deuise if neede require to amende the same, & to draw it to more perfectiõ. And if you finde not fruits in your planting place to your liking, we shal in v. drifats furnish you wͭ such kinds of plants to be caried thither y͏ͤ winter after your planting, as shall the very next summer folowing, yeeld you some fruite, and the yere next folowing, as much as shal suffice a towne as big as Callice, and that shortly after shall be able to yeeld you great store of strong durable good sider to drinke, & these trees shalbe able to increase you within lesse then vii. yeres as many trees presently to beare, as may suffice the people of diuers parishes, which at the first setling may stand you in great steade, if the soyle haue not the commoditie of fruites of goodnesse already. And because you ought greedily to hunt after thinges that yeelde present reliefe, without trouble of cariage thither, therefore I make mention of these, thus specially, to the ende you may haue it specially in mynde.