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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/23

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A note of Sebastian Gabotes
voyage of discouerie, taken out of an old

Chronicle written by Robert Fabian somtime
Alderman of London, which is in the custodie of

Iohn Stowe Citizen, a diligent searcher
and preseruer of Antiquities.

THIS yeereIn the 13. yere of king Henrie the vii. 1498. the King, (by meanes of a Venetian whiche made himselfe very expert and cunning in knoweledge of the circuite of the worlde and Ilandes of the same, as by a Carde and other demonstrations reasonable hee shewed) caused to man and victuall a shippe at Bristowe,Note. to searche for an Ilande, whiche, hee saide hee knewe well, was riche and replenished with riche commodities. Which Ship thus manned and victualed at the kinges cost, diuers merchants of London ventured in her finall stockes, being in her as chiefe Patrone the saide Venetian. And in the companie of the saide shippe sayled also out of BristoweBristow. three or foure small ships fraught with sleight and grosse merchandizes, as course cloth, Caps, Laces, points and other trifles, and so departed from Bristowe in the beginning of May: of whome in this Maiors timeWilliam Purchas Maior of London. returned no tidings.

Of three sauage men which hee brought home,
and presented vnto the king in the xvii.
yeere of his raigne.

THis yeere also were brought vnto the king three menThree sauage men brought into England. taken in the new founde Iland, that before I spake of
