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Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/25

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shipmaster and marriners had not rebelled and made him to returne homewardes from that place. But it seemeth that God doth yet still reserue this great enterprise for some great Prince,This voyage to Cathay reserued by God for some great Prince. to discouer this voyage of Cathaio by this way: which for the bringing of the spiceries from India into Europe were the most easie and shortest of all other wayesThis way the shortest of all others. hetherto founde out. And surely this enterprise woulde bee the most glorious and of most importance of all other that can be imagined,This discouery were a most glorious enteprise. to make his name great, & fame immortall to all ages to come, farre more then can bee done by any of all these great troubles and warres, which dayly are vsed in Europe among the miserable Christian people.

This much concerning Sebastian Gabotes discouerie may suffice for a present cast: but shortly, God willing, shall come out in print all his owne mappes & discourses drawne and written by himselfe, which are in the custodie of the worshipfull master Williã Worthington one of her Maiesties Pensioners,William Worthington Pensioner. who (because so worthie monumentes shoulde not be buried in perpetuall obliuion) is very willing to suffer them to be ouerseene and published in as good order as may bee, to the encouragement and benefite of our Countriemen.