thence the fift part for his custome cleare wihtout any cost. And besides this he putteth in euery flote a certayn quantitie of money, of whiche hee enioyeth of the gaines pounde and poundes like as other aduenturers doe. In a flote of three shippes and a carauell that went from this citie armed by the marchauntes of it, which departed in Aprill last past, I and my partener haue 1400. DucatesNote. that we employed in the sayde fleete, principally for that two Englishmen friends of mine, whiche are somewhat learned in Cosmographie, shoulde goe in the same shippes, to bring mee certaine relation of the situation of the countrey, and to bee experte in the Nauigation of those seas, and there to haue informations of many other things, and aduise that I desire to know especially. Seeing in these quarters are shippes, and marriners of that countrey, and cardes by which they sayle, though much vnlike ours: that they should procure to haue the said Cards, and learne howe they vnderstande them, and especially to know what Nauigation they haue for those Ilandes Northwardes, and Northeastwarde.
For ifNote. from the sayde Ilandes the Sea do extende, without interposition of lande, to sayle from the North poynt to the Northeast poynt 1700. or 1800. leagues, they should come to the Newe founde Ilandes that wee discouered, and so wee shoulde bee neerer to the sayde spicerie by almost 2000. leagues then the Emperour, or the king of Portingal are. And to aduise your Lordshippe whether of these spiceries of the King of Portingal or the Emperours is neerer, and also of the titles that eyther of them hath, and howe our Newe founde landes are parted from it, (for that by writyng without some demonstration, it were harde to giue any declaration of it,) I haue caused that your Lordeshippe shall receyue herewith a little Mappe or Carde of the worlde: the whiche, I feare mee, shall put your Lordshippe to more labour to vnderstande; then mee to make it, only for that it is made in so little roome that it cannot be but obscurely set out, y͏ͤ is desired to be seene in it, & also for y͏ͤ I am in this science litle expert: Yet to remedy in part thisdiffi-Page:Diuers voyages touching the discouerie of America - Hakluyt - 1582.djvu/32