Wrote not to your Maiestie (most Christian king) since the time wee suffered the tempest in the North partes, of the successe of the foure Ships, which your Maiestie sent forth to discouer new lands by the Ocean, thinking your Maiestie had been alreadie duly enformed thereof. Nowe by these presents I will giue your Maiestie to vnderstand, howe by the violence of the windes wee were forced with y͏ͤ two ships, the Norman and the Dolphin, in such euill case as they were, to lande in Britaine. Whereafter wee had repaired them in all pointes as was needefull and armed them very well, wee tooke our course a long by the coast of Spaine. Afterwardes with the Dolphin alone, wee determined to make discouerie of newe Countries, to prosecute the nauigation wee had alreadie begun, which I purpose at this present to recount vnto your Maiestie, to make manifest the whole proceeding of the matter. The 17 of Ianuarie, the yeere 1524. by the grace of God, wee departed from the dishabited Rocke, by the Isle of Madêra, appertaining to the king of Portingall, with fiftie men, with victuals, weapon, and other ship, munition very well prouided and furnished for 8. monethes: And sayling westwards with a faire Easterly winde, in 25. dayes wee ranne 500. leagues, and the 20. of Februarie wee were ouertaken with as sharpe and terrible a tempest as euer any saylers suffered: whereof with y͏ͤ diuine helpe & mercifull assistaunce of Almightie God, and the goodnesse of one ship accompaniedwith
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