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And since there is such a union of these, the Divine Life also is one. Life is the Divine Essence. Divine Love and Divine Wisdom are a one because the union is reciprocal, and reciprocal union causes oneness. Of reciprocal union, however, more will be said elsewhere.

36. There is also a union of love and wisdom in every Divine work; from which it has perpetuity, yea, its everlasting duration. If there were more of Divine Love than of Divine Wisdom, or more of Divine Wisdom than of Divine Love, in any created work, it could have continued existence only in the measure in which the two were equally in it, anything in excess passing off.

37. The Divine Providence in the reforming, regenerating, and saving of men, partakes equally of Divine Love and of Divine Wisdom. From more of Divine Love than of Divine Wisdom, or from more of Divine Wisdom than of Divine Love, man cannot be reformed, regenerated and saved. Divine Love wills to save all, but it can save only by means of Divine Wisdom; to Divine Wisdom belong all the laws through which salvation is effected; and these laws Love cannot transcend, because Divine Love and Divine Wisdom are one and act in unison.

38. In the Word, Divine Love and Divine Wisdom are meant by "righteousness" and "judgment," Divine Love by "righteousness," and Divine Wisdom by "judgment;" for this reason "righteousness" and "judgment" are predicated in the Word of God; as in David:—

Righteousness and judgment are the support of Thy Throne (Ps. lxxxix. 14).

Jehovah shall bring forth righteousness as the light, and judgment as the noonday (Ps. xxxvii. 6).

In Hosea:

I will betroth thee unto Me for ever, in righteousness, and in judgment (ii. 19).

In Jeremiah:

I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, who shall reign as King and shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth (xxiii. 5).