The questions concerning life and death, health and disease, have been and ever will be of all-absorbing interest;—because, "All that a man hath will he give for his life."
With this new period of the world's life comes the reawakening of humanity to its birth-right of spiritual, intellectual, moral and civil order; this needs no other demonstration than "the signs following." Life is in-flowing, we are feeling it; light is breaking through the clouds, men are working in it,—working to such good advantage that we say, "This is a New Age." But the startling activity comes from the same fundamental principles which have generated the good things throughout human history.
True philosophy and theology have always taught the Unity of life, the subsistence of the creature from the constant expression of the Divine. Swedenborg has not added to this general idea, it was not necessary; but he has given it new meaning and force. He has broken the shell of the general concept and brought to light the complex but most orderly arrangement of all that lies within the totality of human experience.
No one can become aware of the purport of Swedenborg's teaching of discrete degrees, the Maximus Homo or Greatest Man of the Spiritual heavens—as well as of the starry heavens with their spiritual and natural influences, and the correspondence or cause and effect