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367; a warm debate in Consistory, 368 sqq.; professes kindly feelings to Henry after Catherine's death, 403; reception of the news of Anne's fall, 439; overtures for reconciliation, 440 sq.; eager solicitations to Henry to return to the Roman communion, 454.

Paulet, Sir William, 420.

Pavia, political results of the defeat of Francis I. at, 25 sqq.

Peers, English: their petition to Clement to grant Henry's petition, 142.

"Penny Gleek," 443.

Percy, Henry (Earl of Northumberland): his statement that Anne Boleyn meant to poison the Princess Mary, 253; swears that there was never contract of marriage between him and Anne, 419.

Petition of the Commons (1529), 115.

Peto, Cardinal, 60.

Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 59, 460.

Pole, Geoffrey (brother of Reginald), 295, 416.

Pole, Reginald: his manifesto accompanying Paul III.'s Bull deposing Henry VIII., 56; his statement of Henry's desire to break with Aune Boleyn, 111; suggested marriage with Princess Mary, 241, 295.
Pommeraye, La (French ambassador in London): his denunciation of "that devil of a Pope," 181; recommendation that Henry should follow Louis XII's example, 188, 192.
Præmunire, 118, 147; proclamation for its enforcement, 148; embarrassments caused by its revival, 164.

Prejudice, influence of, in judging historical characters, 2 sqq.

Provisors, the Statute of, 122; its revival, 149.

REFORMATION, English: at first political rather than doctrinal, 6; its characteristic excellence, 7.

Reunion of Christendom, Charles V.'s efforts for, 175.

Richmond, Duke of (cr. 1525), natural son of Henry VIII., 22, 395; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328; educated as a Prince, but his position not recognized by the law, 453; his popularity and resemblance to his father, 455; Surrey's proposal that the Crown should be settled on him, 455; his death, 459.
Rochford, Lord (Anne Boleyn's brother): mission to Paris to announce his sister's marriage, 208; present at the execution of Charterhouse monks, 328; specially attentive to Chapuys, 404; refused the Garter, 415; takes part in the tournament (1536), 416; arrested, 418; charged with incest with his sister, 420; his trial, 426 sq.; Chapuys's account of his dying speech, 428; the real speech, ib.

Rome, sack of, by the Duke of Bourbon, 35.

Royal Supremacy, meaning of, 159; accepted by Convocation, 186.

Russell, Sir John, sent with money to Clement VII., 28.

ST. ALBANS, Wolsey abbot of, 89, 116.

St. John the Baptist and Herod, Bishop Fisher's allusion to, in the matter of the divorce, 106.

Salisbury, Countess of, 23, 241, 461.

Salviati, Cardinal, 46, 88, 103, 233.

Sampson, Dean (of the Chapel Royal): speech against the Pope's claims over England, 274.

Sanctuary: felonious clerks deprived of the right of, 454.

Sandys, Lord (Henry's chamberlain), 297.

Sanga (Clement VII.'s secretary), 27, 80, 96.

Sens, Cardinal (Chancellor), 46.

Seymour, Sir Edward, 405.

Seymour, Jane: first association of her name with Henry, 400; her marriage, 444; great popularity, 445; kindness to Mary, 455, 458.

Sforza, Duke of Milan, death of, 362.

Shelton Mrs. (Anne Boleyn's aunt), 252, 202, 267, 269 sq., 320, 387, 392.

Six Articles Bill, the, 7.

Smalcaldic League, the, 135, 255.

Smeton, Mark (paramour of Anne Boleyn), 415, 410, 419; execution, 429.

Sorbonne, the: suggested reference of the divorce cause to, 129.

Soria, Lope de (Minister of Charles V. at Genoa), his letter on the sack of Rome, 36, 43.

{{hanging indent|Spain: the Cabinet's discussion of Catherine's position after Cranmer's judgment, 221 sqq.; their decision, 223; debates on proposed treaty between Charles and Henry, 307, 335.

Spaniards, the; their atrocities in Italy, 29, 35.

Statute Book, the: its historic aspect, 13.

Stokesley, Bishop (London), 134, 416.

Succession to the English throne, danger of a disputed, 21, 79, 123; various possible claimants if Henry VIII. had no heir, 23.
Succession, Act of, 264; the oath to it enforced, 267; debate in Council as to its enforcement on Catherine and Mary, 271 sqq.; (after Anne's death) the discussion of, 454 sq.
Suffolk, Duke of: his mission from Henry to France, 94; Chapuys's report on his sentiments about the divorce, 114; made Vice-President of the Council, 120.
Supremacy, Act of (explaining in detail the meaning of the Royal Supremacy), 292 sq.; enforced, 327 sqq.