Page:DoD Instruction 1020.04.pdf/6

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DoDI 1020.04, June 30, 2020

d. Response to harassment allegations be conducted in an impartial and timely manner and, where harassing behavior exists, it is promptly stopped. For harassment that involves criminal activity, refer to Paragraph 4.4.

e. Individuals alleging they have been harassed receive information about available support services and are afforded appropriate privacy and confidentiality.

f. Individuals alleging harassment receive ongoing timely information regarding the status of the response to allegations and notice of disposition.

g. Mechanisms to collect, track, assess, and analyze data and information related the harassment are implemented and that all allegations of and reports related to harassment be afforded the proper degree of privacy and confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

h. Prominently posting and publicizing information regarding DoD Component policies and procedures to prevent and respond to harassment.

i. Workforce training concerning policies and procedures to prevent and respond to harassment.

j. Collection and provision of data to ODEI in accordance with Section 6 and as necessary to meet DoD reporting obligations.

k. Appropriate administrative or disciplinary action be taken against offenders in cases involving substantiated harassment.

l. In cases of substantiated harassment, the findings concerning an offender are annotated within the Component’s appropriate personnel records system.

m. Commanders or directors conduct organizational climate assessments that include an assessment of noted harassing behaviors and corrective actions.

n. The performance evaluations of managers and supervisors include input regarding whether the manager or supervisor fostered a workplace free from harassment and retaliation, and supported policies and procedures to prevent and respond to harassment by correcting harassing conduct.

Section 2: Responsibilities