the sexton saw him or not the captain did not know, but the song changed immediately to a song of the sea:
There’s no swab like the captain,
There's no swab like the captain,
Of all the swabs I've ever seen
With a diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle dee
No swab like the captain.
"A very appropriate song, Master Sexton," laughed the captain.
Mipps turned round and surveyed the intruder.
"Why, knock me up solid if it ain't the good captain! The gold of the high noon to you, sir, though there ain't much gold in the sky to-day. I take it as a very friendly piece of impertinence that you should come and look me up so unexpected. Had I knowed of your arrival I'd have had these grizzly relics stowed away, for some folk has a distinct dislike to lookin' at these last dwellin' houses."
"You are used to 'em, I suppose, by now?" said the captain.
"Oh, love you, yes, I don't mind 'em. Some undertakers has fearful superstitions about coffins. Some won't get in 'em to measure 'em. Lord! I always does. I lies down inside 'em and pops the lid on the top to see if it's airtight."
"Awkward if the lid was to stick."
"You may well say that, 'cos once it did. But it