Captain, it made you blush like a damned woman to hear 'em."
"And if it was not for gold and adventure that you went, may I ask what tempted you abroad?"
"Certainly, Captain. It was the love of my work. The zeal to have a look at other sextons, vergers, and undertakers and see what they were a-doin' with the business. But Lord love you, Captain, I soon found as how funerals was done on different plans abroad. Why, I could tell you some things I seed with regard to burials abroad what 'ud make your flesh creep—aye, and now, too, though the sun is high in the heaven."
"Well, I've an hour to spare. Master Sexton. What do you say to coming along to the Ship and enjoying a drink and a friendly pipe?"
"I thinks I can do one better than that, thankin' you kindly," said the sexton, vaulting with marvellous dexterity out of the lofty coffin to the floor, "for I've baccy, pipes, and good brandy all to hand, and if you'd care to spend an hour with Sexton Mipps and listen to his babbles, why, light your 'strike me dead' and gulp your spirits and settle your hulk in that there coffin, what hasn't got no passenger inside—so don't be frightened—and we'll shut the window, for it's a-blowin' the fire out; and if you ain't cozy, well, it's not the fault of the sexton, is it now?" And then Mr. Mipps, after busily providing his guest with the requisites for smoke and drink, and after splitting up a coffin plank to renew the