not be able to sing 'Rule Britannia' any more, now shall we? And if young men won't join the navy—well, we have to make 'em, you see, and that's what the press gang's for, don't you know? If you cannot get a thing done for love, you know, you must get it done by force. Do you follow me?"
"Perfectly, my dear Captain," said Mrs. Whyllie. "That little maxim of yours is most admirable, I declare, and we shall put it to most instant practice." Thereupon the old lady got up from her chair and pointed a pistol at the captain's head. "And it's most fortunate, I vow, that your tasselled cane is reposing safely in the hall."
"What does this mean, Madam?" spluttered the captain. "Are you joking?"
"My dear niece," said the old lady, "this admirable captain really asks us if we are joking." The captain turned his terrified eyes to Imogene only to discover that she also held a pistol at his head.
"What is the cause of this terrible behaviour?" he stammered.
"You are going to pay your debts, my dear Captain," said the old lady. "To pay your debts in full. You have owed me apologies for a long time which you have taken no pains to tender to me. You made me a laughing-stock in public—well, I am now going to return the compliment, and heaven shield you from the scorn of your brother officers, the anger of your supe-