Page:Documents from the Den of Espionage.djvu/380

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Nnclcaun te Despecch !i¤.$* American Enbassy Tohrnn Saptmher 26, 19**7 Translation EAU AUTHDHIZIHG HE BHPLQYHENT OF A. HISSIGN GF UWICEBS ARD NON-CGMMISSIONED UFt·"IC£RS FKDK TAB U. S. ARMY FUR THE MINISTRY O? WAR (Voted on October 2*+, 19*+3 (Abu 1, 1322}

.· The National Consultative Assembly

Mnjlls authorize: the Goverment tu enter lntn an agres- ment with the Government of the United Scenes of Anerxca and engage a nissxnn ot armour; n¤¤»¤ommiee1onad officers and exports from the U·S· Army, {he number of dflcoru not to nxccnd thirty, Ie: the purpose of reforming the administra- tive sffaire of the Any in nccordanca wltn the lsv of Agrab 1301* and Uith the following terms: (1.) The firs': atflcers of this mission are ns follows: Major General 0. $. Rldlw Colonel P. G. Dunont Colonel Thomas ai. Mahoney Maui. Col. 5ognrd, Major L5. Conly, Captain R. Y. Gidwlts (spelling unceruinl, Unihiu lh Y. Sanders. The senior officer of the mission ull be the Cnlet ot the Mission and es Multnry Adviser to tha Ministry of Ver will advise and asslsc LM Minister of Wa:. Other elements nf this mission will be engaged according to the provisions of this lev ns may my be needed by the Ministry of War and upon agreement nf both Governments as to choosing them. (iu) The said nisslun vii). in principle be nngeged for the duration of the war, but the Govevnment; will have the right before the expiration of the period, in cass it deems it advisable, no cancel their contract and/or extend it. for after the war also; upon reaching an agreement with the Government ua" the Jnlted States of America. (rz} The members of the mission will receive their annunl salaries in American currency £':·¤m che Iranian Gov- ernment in the fol! nwing amounts: The Chief of the iélssinn $+207 Assletant Chlef of the Mission $·3‘?G'? A11 other o!`_"ieex·s,` each 55757 Enlisted men and experts £·2?Q$ These salaries will be paid in lavage equal monthly 1 . t d Y bL T rn t,. 1 %2§§2,‘°§? ih2“m§2£¤K°5h¤°L§ SQ $$3% fd'; §€"p§y,.%?§ 1:; dnlinz-g