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Page:Documents from the Den of Espionage.djvu/41

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Tuesday, April 10, 1979
Room 2172, RHOB
9:00 a.m.

Committee on Foreign Affairs

1.Trends in country: is it likely to be very unstable for next year at least; how are economic realities impacting on revolutionary policies; what are the good and bad trends you see; how strong do you perceive anti-American feeling to be; how serious are regionalist sentiments.

2.Government-Religious leaders relations: law and order problems and Barzagan efforts to stabilize situation; continuing trials and executions—what are trends; who governs Iran today?; what is the mood of people; what is situation in Tehran, other big cities, and rural areas; does Barzagan still enjoy the Ayatollah's confidence.

3.Security situation and leftist groups: what is security situation like today; who controls the streets of Tehran; who performs police function; what types of weapons are now in private hands; what is role of the leftist groups which are the principal ones and how much strength do they have; to what degree are they benefitting from their tighter organization.

4.Pro-Shah elements: have the pro-shah groups gone underground; do you see the possibility of SAVAK-types or military types that were supportive of Shah regrouping for possible action; what are these groups doing today?

5.US presence today and the role of the US Embassys: How many official Americans are in Iran today (embassy staff and military types); what US government facilities in the country are now not in our possession; what is security like at the embassy; who guards Embassy; can anyone gain access to the compound during embassy hours.

6.Future relations: what access have you and others had to the new government officials; what types of relations do they want with the US; How many military advisors do they want and in what roles; how do you see relations developing; what is extend of US investment and what investments are in jeopardy.

7.Iranian foreign policy: what trends are emerging in Iran foreign policy; how are ties today with East Bloc; what will be our major policy problems with Iran in coming months;

8.Iranian oil policy: what oil policies regarding production and price do you see the Iranian government following; do they want to maintain production above 3/m/b/d; are economic realities forcing them to increase production as much as possible; what is the situation among oil workers; do Iranians want foreign experts and technicians to return to help them.

9.Minorities: what is the situation for Bahais, Jews, Americans, Assyrians and others today; is there any violence against them; are many seeking to leave; what is the mood in these communities.

10.Status of US military equipment and Iranian armed forces: do we have any knowledge of sensitive US equipment getting into unfriendly hands; status of F-14 and their security; unity of three armed services; control of bases; readiness of military;