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POL- Ahmad Jaffarbhoy

POL- Hawthorne Mills

Duties of the Embassy Political Advisor

Position Description, dated April 13, 1975

This memo is being written to supplement the general and specific responsibilities outlined in the Position Description for the Embassy Political Advisor job, a copy of which I believe you already have.

The section on General Responsibilities is being supplemented withe the following specific duties (numbers refer to those under Section A of the Position Description):

1. I do not need to tell you that personal contacts are all important in doing your job well. You already have a wide range of friends, acquaintances, and contacts of which you make effective use. I would suggest that you compile a list of people who are knowledgeable on a variety of subjects. There are a few additional areas where you might begin to expand your contacts. One such area would be media representatives such as the Pars News Agency and the NIRTV. At the Senate and Majles you already have some contacts. I suggest that you broaden these to include people who work with various parliamentary committees and those who handle bills pending before the Parliament. The Aesurgence Party offers another institution in which you should develop contacts that can be of use to us. Officers in the section already know many of the officials in the RPPI, but it would be helpful if you could cultivate some of the staff people who work for the Deputy Secretary General and some of the party committees. Keep in mind that some of the more useful contacts in all of the above institutions can be added to our No-Ruz gratuities list next year.

2. The Position Description contains in Section C some specific topics about which you are expected to give Embassy officers the political background. One of these is the RPPI. As we approach the Party Congress scheduled for this summer, you will want to provide us information about the organization of the Congress, whether foreign observers will be invited, etc. A continuing item of interest is the Shah-People Revolution. You should compile information about implementation of its various principles so that we can occasionally update our previous analysis. Under the general heading of Educational Developments, we would like to know more about the specific conditions of service which are required in exchange for tuition payments by the GOI. Our understanding of university-level education would be such