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appeared. Don Durando was frightened, but Don Bosco caressed the dog, who showed great joy.

"You say this is Grigio?" inquired the young priest.

"Undoubtedly," was the answer, "the same size, the same color, and he recognizes me: but if you are really my old Grigio," he said affectionately to the dog, "you will lead us out of this peril." The dog started off and Don Bosco followed. Soon the three arrived at the Bordighera Oratory. Don Bosco turned to thank Grigio—but he had vanished.

How many conjectures have been offered as to the personality of this guide and guardian! I think that most persons concur in the opinion that it was Don Bosco's angel guardian. Some deem it to have been a special angel sent on that mission of deliverance. I know one who considers it the more plausible theory that one of Don Bosco's own boys—for many died young—had come to be the protector of him who had saved his soul; the profound parting look of affection in Grigio's eyes seems to support his theory. Or might it have been a soul from purgatory, Don Bosco's conquest from hell, that had been deputed to preserve the life of the holy Apostle of Turin? That the dog was a supernatural protector, seems to be the prevailing opinion.