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Goo'-bye to forty lovely quid—time-paymint, fifty-three—
Then all at once she smiles an' sez, "Did you pick those fer me?"
"Did you pick those fer me," she sez. "Oh, Bill!" 'an then "Oh, Bill!"
I 'ints I 'ad idears to leave 'em to 'er in me will.
She grabs them dilly vi'lits, an' she 'olds 'em to 'er nose.
"Oh, Bill!" she smiles, "You alwus knoo 'ow fond I wus uv those!
Oh, Bill! You dear!" She 'ugs me then, jist in the same ole way.
'Struth! I'm marri'd to a woman, an'... I'll learn young Bill some day!