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absurd, as strange; Act. 17. v. so much that they scornfully called him a word-sower, and Preacher of new Gods. Ser. 42. de Sanct.But S. Augustin alloweth the terme for good, which was reprochfully spoken of the ignorant. The twelue Apostles were first Reapers, before they were Sowers.And so distinguishing between Reapers and Sowers in Gods Church, he teacheth, that wheras the other Apostles reaped in the Iewes, that which their Patriarches and Prophets had sowne; S. Paul at first a Sower, or Seminarie Apostle.S. Paul sowed the seed of Christian Religion in the Gentiles. And so in respect of the Israelites, to whom they were first sent, calleth the other Apostles Messores, Reapers, and S. Paul, being specially sent to the Gentiles, Seminatorem, a Sower, or Seminarie Apostle: which two sorts of Gods workmen are stil in the Church, Pastoral cures and Apostolical missions.with distinct offices of Pastoral cures and Apostolical missions; the one for perpetual gouernment of Catholike countries, the other for conuersion of such, as either haue not receiued Christian Religion, or are relapsed. As at this time in our country, for the diuers sorts of pretended religions, these diuers spiritual workes are necessary to teach and feed al Britan people. Because some in errour of opinions preach an other Ghospel, wheras in veritie there is no other Ghospel. New doctrine is falsly called the Ghospel.They preach indeed new doctrines, which can not saue. S. Aug. de. vislit crede I. 6.Others follow them, belieuing falshood. Mat. 15.But when the blind lead the blind (not the one only but) both fal into the ditch. The seduced, & externally conformable are punished with the authours of iniquitie.Others conforme themselues in external shew, fearing them that can punish and kil the body. Psalme. 124.But our Lord wil bring such as decline into (vniust) obligations, with them that work iniquity. The Relikes and smal flock of Catholiks in our country, haue great sadnesse and sorrow of hart, not so much for our owne affliction, for that is comfortable, but for you our brethren and kinsemen in flesh and bloud. Wishing with our owne temporal damage whatsoeuer, your saluation. 2. Cor. 6.Now is the acceptable time, now are the days of saluation, the time of Grace by Christ, Grace in the new testament more aboundant then in the old.whose dayes many Kings and Prophets desired to see: Luc. 10.they saw them (in spirit) and reioyced. But we are made partakers of Christ, and his Mysteries; so that our selues neglect not his heauenly riches: if we receiue and keep the beginning of his substance, firme vnto the end; that is, the true Catholike faith; building thereon good works by his grace; without which we cannot thinke a good thought, by which we can doe al things necessary to saluation. But if we hold
