Page:Douay Rheims Bible 1635 edition.pdf/13

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With a brief note of the Canonical and
Apocryphal Books.

S.Hierom Epist. Ad Paulin. De omni. S. Scrip. libris. S. Aug. prefat. In specul. li. 2. de doct. christ. ca. 9. Is. 1. de Gen contra Manich. ca. 4. li. de catechis. rudib. c. 3. & 4. l. 2. qq. super Exod. q. 73. li. 15. cont. Faust. Manich cap. 2. li. 18. ciuit. ca. 54. de vera relig. c. 27. li. 4. cont. Faust c. 2.How the holie Scriptures containe al knowledge necessarie to saluation.BY the vniforme consent of al learned Diuines, the holy Bible, or written Word of God, containeth expressed or implied al things that man is to belieue, to obserue, and to avoid, for obtaining of eternal saluation. The old and the new Testament shew the same God, Christ, Church and other Mysteries of Religion.That is, al matters of faith and manners, by which we may know and serue God, and so be spiritually ioyned with him in this life, and in eternity. For both the old and new Testament propose and testifie vnto vs one and the same God, the same Christ, the same Church, and other Mysteries of our beliefe, not differing in substance, but in manners of vttering; The old more obscurely, & with lesse helpes.the Old more obscurely in figures and prophecies foretelling those things, which the New declareth (in great part) as done and performed. Whereupon saith S. Augustine: In the Old Testament the New lieth hidden; and in the New the Old lieth open. And touching their names, wherein appeareth difference, the one (saith the same Doctour) is called the old Testament, either because it proposeth promises of temporal things (wherewith our old corruptnesse is allured) The new more expresly and yealdeth more grace.or in respect of the New, by which it is fulfilled, and in some part abolished. The other is called the New, because by it man is renewed, and hath promise of eternal life, Hom. 6. In Ezech. 1.which shal never waxe old nor decay. Likewise S. Gregory the Great testifieth this conformity and correspondence between the Old and New Testament, affirming that the same is signified by the Prophet Ezechiels vision of a wheele, which had foure faces, or apparence of foure wheeles, the shape whereof was, as it were, a wheele in the middes of a wheele. What is this, saith he, Nisi quod in Testamenti veteris litera Testamentum nouum latuit per Allegoriam? but that in the letter of the old Testament, the New lay hidden by an Allegory?

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