Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/153

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it will walk that earth in a body precisely similar to the one it left behind—made so, in fact, by its own will.”

“And it would be otherwise were it to project itself to a distant point on this earth?”

“Unfortunately, yes. The same conditions do not here obtain.”

“And does this explain the different appearances of these bodies? None of them resemble Thibetans.”

“You have hit it. Originally all were Thibetans. They have been transfigured by the planetary spirits who in turn have occupied them. This act causes pain and takes time; therefore the bodies are kept separate ready for use of spirits from each inhabited earth or moon. I took this body just as I found when I came from Mars. You begin to understand?”

“My amazement only increases. Do not ask me to believe.”

“It would be useless to expect it.”

“One question more.”

“Ask it.”

“Why is all this kept a secret? Why is this place practically abandoned? Why is not all the world made to share

in this alleged wonderful knowledge? Why——

“Stop—stop! Don’t multiply your questions so! Know, my friend, that he who pronounced a little knowledge a dangerous thing, was the very king of kings among philosophers. The adepts learned the truth of this maxim by sad experience. The secret was put to evil uses, and for excellent reasons Psam-dagong stands to-day the deserted shrine it is.”

“And this is your great secret!” I cried. “This is the fate toward which you have been gradually drawing that innocent boy by your devilish arts! Could I admit the existence of spirits at all, I——

“Stop, George! For God’s sake stop!” interposed Maurice. “It is all my own doing, not his.”

“You are mad, Maurice!”

“No, no! I have weighed all the consequences. I am going, George; you will wait for me and I shall return!”

“But these are the ravings of a lunatic! Be sensible, Maurice! Be yourself. These bodies are nothing but the embalmed remains of poor fools, who, like ourselves, have been inveigled into this place for some hellish purpose be-