Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/160

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me. No longer struggling, I watched with intense interest all that occurred.

As for the Doctor I knew later that he was in precisely the same condition. As I saw him then he stood there like a statue, motionless and silent. Could either of us question the reality of the occult after this?

For the space of a few moments all was silence. Maurice and the adept were kneeling at the altar by the lama’s side, evidently in prayer.

Presently they arose and faced us. The critical moment had come at last.

Now music soft, sweet and low, sounded through the subterranean chamber. It was produced by the six lamas; each held a small, one-stringed instrument, closely resembling the Chinese banjo, and as they struck the strings in concert it seemed to me that never had I heard such harmony—it was divine!

Meanwhile, Padma had taken up the trumpet-shaped implement and having opened the little golden door in the side of the altar, pressed the flaring mouth against it. To my surprise it remained fixed in its position after a moment, as though held by suction. Instinctively I seemed to understand that the little door communicated with the cavern beneath the temple; that this was the means by which they were to inhale the mysterious gas. Once in place the golden tube stood up about as high as a man’s waist, and I saw that the end was plugged. All appeared to be in readiness now, and old Padma drew back, murmuring some unintelligible sentences—his eyes were turned toward the adept—he pointed toward the tube with a wave of his wrinkled hand. Again Mr. Mirrikh spoke.

“Maurice De Veber, think well before you take the final step,” he said in clear, distinct tones. “What your friends refuse to believe, you know to be the truth. No persuasion of mine has urged you to this act. Say the word and I start on my long journey alone.”

There was no sign of wavering in Maurice’s voice as the answer came.

“I am going with you! ” he replied quietly. “Do not let us prolong this painful scene.”

“It is enough,” said the adept. “Friends, once more farewell!”

He stepped forward, bent over the tube, removed the