Page:Doughty--Mirrikh or A woman from Mars.djvu/223

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Breathlessly we watched it, but after a few seconds it disappeared. I remembered Mr. Mirrikh’s injunction and whispered to the Doctor to turn his head away; but this, it seemed, was not necessary, for at the same instant I saw what appeared to be a mass of moving white drapery upon the floor, and suddenly a female form rose up and approached my companion with outstretched arms.

“Miles—Miles, my boy, don’t you know me?” I heard her whisper in hoarse, sepulchral tones.

“My mother!” burst from the Doctor. He started up and drew back in terror.

Instantly the white figure sank down and seemed to de-solve into nothingness; but there was the naked lama crouching by the fire still, his eyes closed, his head bent forward upon his breast. To all appearance he was sound asleep.

“You fool!” I whispered. “Why did you do so? If that was indeed your mother’s spirit she surely would have done you no harm.”

He brushed his hand across his face which I could see was damp with perspiration.

“George, if we are going mad, then God help us! If that was my mother’s spirit, then I am a fool! Anyhow, she is the last person I want to see.”

“As far as that is concerned you probably know your own business best. Did she resemble your mother?”

“She did—most decidedly.”

“She was certainly a woman of advanced years. I noticed her bent form and her thin features. One thing is sure, she could speak English, and what’s more she knew your name.”

He muttered something which I did not catch. I would have questioned him further, but the sound of footsteps announced that Padma was returning, and I forbore.

The old lama came alone, seated himself before the fire and took up his drum.

“My children, we may speak a few words now, while the spirits renew their forces,” he said. “Have you also had visitors from the world unseen?”

“There was a female here,” replied the Doctor, curtly. “As to where she came from probably you know best.”

“Where could she have come from? Is there a woman in this cave beside your companion who sits behind you?”